How an Artist Fixes Potholes

Photo: juliana santacruz herrera [Flickr]

Forget asphalt! The artistic way to fix potholes is with some colorful fabric. That's what artist Juliana Santacruz Herrera did for the sidewalks of Paris:

artist juliana santacruz herrera has transformed the streets of paris through her visual intervention using braided strips of colourful fabric. seeing the many cracks and potholes of the city as the 'canvas' of her project, the site-specific pieces are a playful addition to the grey urban setting.

long lengths of dyed fabrics are braided and then coiled into the shallow breaks in the street. often made up of a combination of bright colours, the resulting effect creates a graphic and visually-arresting contrast to the city's palette.

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I don't think it's that dangerous. But isn't it going to be ruined by traffic, weather, etc.? Seems like a waste of time to me. But then, I'm not an artist, and I'm sure some of my hobbies would be deemed a waste of time by other people.
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OK, I'm gonna be *that* person. Someone walking along who doesn't know what the project is could easily assume it's a solid surface and step on it, sinking into the hole. If you're in heels, using a cane or otherwise not that steady, this could be pretty durn dangerous.
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