...OK, maybe not cool, but this art project takes the sting away from seeing a telltale envelope stuck under your wiper blades. The Parking Ticket Emotional Reclamation Project (PTERP) writes a little note explaining the project on one side of a card that fits neatly into New York City parking ticket envelopes, then asks kids, artists and random people to draw something on the other side. PTERP's people then scour the city looking for cars that have received a ticket and place the art in the envelope with it, hoping that the good of the art will balance out the bad of the ticket.
Link via Gothamist
Newest 3 Comments
I'll join Scott in the dickishness. Illegal parkers chafe my nethers.
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Way to be a dick about it, Scott. Neat art project.
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Why would you want to sooth someone who is either parked illegally or clueless about regulations? People deserve their tickets most of the time. Grow up.
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