Prom Dress Made out of Starburst Wrappers

For six years, Tara Frey of River Falls, Wisconsin, has been preparing for prom. She's carefully made a dress, vest, bracelets, earrings, headbands, and shoes out of Starburst wrappers:

Tara's mother would buy 20 bags of Starburst at a time to get the huge amount of wrappers needed to make the dress and the accessories. "The whole community gave us wrappers…My mom hand [Starburst] out to people and ask for the wrappers back, and don't rip them!"

Miss Frey's costume fit nicely into the Candyland theme for this year's prom at her school.

Link (warning: auto-sound) via Urlesque | Photo: ABC News

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They started collecting the wrappers 6 years ago.. actually putting them together into the dress was probably done a lot more recent. Cute idea and adorable dress.
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