Man in Electric Wheelchair Chased Biker FOR THREE DAYS!

Dedication ... Perserverance ... Tenacity... Pulitzer Prize.

Those are few words that came to my mind when I read this news story from The Palm Beach Post:

That, my friends, is determination: -via BuzzFeed

I know a cyclist I encounter every day that I'd LOVE to do this to! That would sure teach him to zoom by me from behind without courteously ringing his bell! [plots]
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@eMMyoRWeLL- That depends, are you walking on the street or the sidewalk? If youre on the street then it's your bad.

About the story, Im shocked, he looks like such a nice man.
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There's a cyclist I see every day lately, whom I call the butt-crack guy, because he's always showing off the top of his butt, and it's cold at the moment. Cyclists are weird. Pull your damn pants up! Nobody wants to see that.
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I think The Palm Beach Post just trolled us all.

That's the only explanation I can provide for this story's existence.

Seriously, I've composed a mental essay filled with reasons why this "chase" did not play out as described. Brain power well spent.
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