Honest Logos

Graphic artist Viktor Hertz turned famous logos into "Honest Logos," where he "[reveal] the actual content of the company, what they really should be called. Some are cheap, some might be a bit funny, some will maybe be brilliant."

Link [Flickr] - via Design You Trust | Interview at My Modern Met

Previously on Neatorama: Pictogram Movie Poster by Viktor Hertz

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You must adhere to the belief in free-will then. In a deterministic universe, whether or not someone is a responsible consumer has to do with various causal factors. And in such a universe there are a sub-group of individuals who are particularly prone to habituate to addictive substances and behavior. In such a universe, self-control or lack thereof correlates with physically observable phenomena, which should be so closely related to the individual in question that they are obviously related. Perhaps the human brain is this physically observable phenomena which correlates with self-control, or perhaps only a part of the brain does. In such a universe, the one providing the stimulus has as much responsibility as the one who ought to be controlling themselves. The one who ought to be controlling themselves may be underdeveloped in the 'brain' region correlating with self-control, as in children.

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it took five minutes to make all of these logo parodies, they are devoid of anything original, simply repeating popular opinion without objective reasoning

"absolut vomit"

using the english transliteration of the brand name absolut for a pun about abusive drinking is stale and juvenile

what does it really communicate about the company? where is the honesty in this? the company is not to blame for the irresponsible consumption of its product and drinking excessively is seriously dangerous.
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I got a chance to visit the traffic control center for our county, but it wasn't anything like this. . .The Japanese certainly know how to do a thing. Makes me wonder about other major cities. . .
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