This Week at Neatorama

I love spring, but man, it keeps you busy: spring cleaning, garden planting, Easter preparations -whew! But you need to take some downtime this weekend and catch up on what's been going on here at Neatorama.

My Parents Hate Me at NeatoBambino is the story of a drum set the grandparents bought. Tiffany had to be creative to thwart their diabolical plan! And if you've been keeping up with her series called Weeks and Counting, you now know what her real title is.

Phil Haney brought us the lowdown on The Almost Famous Relatives of Famous People.

Jill Harness dug up 10 Origin Stories of Common Household Products for your edification.

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader followed the deterioration process in When Good Food Goes Bad.

The Annals of Improbable Research gave us What Lies Behind the Grand Canyon?

We learned the story behind "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, courtesy of mental_floss magazine.

In the What Is It? game this week, it took more than 50 guesses for someone to come up with the correct answer! Berhard finally said this object is a corn dryer. You stick it into an ear of corn to hang and dry it so you could use the kernels for seed corn. trishlovesdolphins gave us the funniest answer: it’s the air freshener from Mad Max’s car! Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop.

We've got a lot of in-depth articles compiled over the years on subjects that are way more interesting than you might have thought. You'll find those at The Best of Neatorama, arranged by year, with pictures to make it easy for you to find something good to read. And there's more on the way next week!

If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions about Neatorama, feel free to leave them here in these weekend roundup posts anytime. We'd love to hear from you!

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