Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko

Photo: Piotr Naskrecki - via LifeScience Image of the Day

Talkin' bout the devil - here's a picture of the Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko (previously on Neatorama):

The satanic leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) is the smallest of 12 species of bizarre-looking leaf-tailed geckos. The nocturnal creature has extremely cryptic camouflage so it can hide out in forests in Madagascar. This group of geckos is found only in primary, undisturbed forests, so their populations are very sensitive to habitat destruction. Large Uroplatus species have more teeth than any other living terrestrial vertebrate species.

The gecko species was discovered in Mantadia-Zahamena corridor of Madagascar in 1998 during one of the Conservation International (CI) "Rapid Assessment Program" (RAP) surveys.

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People almost always get this wrong. God is a red-eyed, black-beast. Satan is an innocent little girl who could do no wrong, will not assume any responsibility and makes you pay for everything that happens.
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