Archive for April 14th, 2011

Paper Record Player Wedding Invitation

(Video Link) Designer Kelli Anderson made this wedding invitation for her friends, Mike Tarantino and Karen Sandler. Although it's made of paper, it folds into a semi-functional record player which plays a song com...

The Last Fiesta

Chris Parks painted and arranged twelve skateboards that depict Jesus and his disciples from Da Vinci's The Last Supper as Mexican wrestlers. Naturally, the Eucharistic elements are a taco and a Corona beer...

Man Decides to Take Two Bumper Cars for a Drive

(Video Link) For unambitious people like you and me, it might be enough to drive one bumper car down the streets of a city. But not for this fellow. No, he insisted on driving two bumper cars at the same...

WiFi Password Sampler

Craftster user Omega Chicken made this sampler as a simple way to remember her WiFi password: My housemate got the idea from when friends come over with laptops and mobile devices and always need to conne...

Enormous Sand Mural Marriage Proposal

Early in their relationship, Kelly Riplinger and Jason Fordley encountered Andres Amador at work on a beach in San Francisco. It was a special memory for both of them, so when it was time for Jason to propose to Kel...

The Fourth One is My Favorite

Neatorama's own Adam Koford made this delightful mashup of Doctor Who and Peanuts. The Sopwith Camel could be a major advantage to a species that struggles with stairs. Link via Super Punch | Ad...

Strange Attractor Magnetic Thinking Putty

Strange Attractor Magnetic Thinking Putty - $13.45 What's more fun than playing with putty? Playing with the Strange Attractor Magnetic Thinking Putty from the NeatoShop of course!  Can your old fashioned putty pick up...

Robber Left T-Shirt with His Face at Crime Scene

When committing a crime, perhaps it's not the best of ideas to leave behind a T-shirt with your face on it:Making money was his "thang", now, it's being arrested. Jonathan Huntley turned himself in to Charl...

Is 19 Too Old For Prom?

Chris Kluender wants to take his high school sweetheart Tiffany Gall to the prom. After all, they started dating a couple of years ago when she was a senior and the couple went to her prom. But there's a teensy weensy pr...

Guillotine Divorce Ring

Kest Schwartzman of Vagabond Jewelry made this cheerful wedding ring. If you want to end the marriage, there's a price to be paid. Link | Vagabond Jewelrydivorce, rings, guillotines...

Hand Stitched Vogue Covers

Print journalism is dying, but perhaps not stitch journalism! Inge Jacobsen recreated two Vogue covers in thread. You can see the other one at the first link. Link and Link via FlavorwireInge Jacobsen...

This Is the Gun That Soviet Cosmonauts Took with Them into Space

Unlike their American counterparts, Soviet cosmonauts went into space armed. Specifically, they carried the TP-82, pictured above. It had three barrels, the top two which fired approximately 40 gauge shotgun rounds...

Ty Karnitz: Bring Back the Codpiece!

At The Art of Manliness, Ty Karnitz makes the case for reviving the codpiece as a modern, manly fashion: Any man boldly sporting a codpiece as he walks into a room will instantly gain everyone’s full at...

Goat Trike

De Moulin Bros. was a catalog company specializing in providing arcane trick props for hazing and initiation rites in fraternal lodges in the United States of the early 20th century. They were quite well known for their...

Nyan Cat Pop Tart Cat

Life got you down? Here's a cheerful little video clip for you. Why it's got cat, rainbow, and pop tart. What more do you need? You're welcome.Move over Hamster Dance! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] Update 4/14/11:...

Pigeon Champions

Pigmy Pouter CH OH902 Tally MezzanattoSometimes you don't need Photoshop to make something strange - nature's already doin' it. Here's a gallery of the champions from the 2010 Grand National Pigeon Show in Salt Lake City...

Freeze Dried Food: Not for Armageddon Survivalists Anymore

Usually, stocking your pantry with freeze-dried and canned food is something you'd associate with survivalists preparing for Armageddon - but there's a new trend afoot: the Great Recession survivors are now doing it, too...

New (Ancient) Treatment for PTSD: Sweat Lodge

Soldiers that suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after returning from war have a new avenue of treatment: sweat lodges.Tony Deconinck of AOL News wrote about the use of this ancient Native American traditi...

Monty Python In Your Pocket

Monty Python In Your Pocket - $8.95 Attention Monty Python fans! Check out the fabulous Monty Python In Your Pocket keychain from the NeatoShop!  This little beauty will encourage you to always look on the bright side...

The Illustrious Omnibus of Superpowers

Here's something neat for those who yearn for super powers: Pop Chart Lab has created the ultimate taxonomy tree of over 100 superpowers and abilities with over 200 superheroes and supervillains as examples: http://popch...


Normally I don't go for the run-jump-shoot type video games, but this one is so cute! The idea is that poor Dad goes berserk after a long hard day at the office, and needs to break things. The more chaos you cause, t...

Worth A Thousand Words... A Photoblog

Maddox created an entire blog as an April Fool joke and filled it with annoying things bloggers do, like taking pictures of meals, apologizing for not posting, and adding tons of sharing buttons to each post. He rece...

The Market

(vimeo link) The Maeklong Market has been in business for decades. When they built a railroad right through it, vendors saw no reason to move, or to even give up space for the train, which comes through eight times...

1954 Karlsson Cat Levitator

Flickr user Mr. Thinktank posted this "invention" for levitating cats. Cats love anti gravity. I bet you didn't know that. This device was invented by Swedish immigrant Per Karlsson in the early 50s, and a small ser...

The Fake Army

It was a profitable but outrageous scheme, set forth in a trial going on now. Prosecutors are charging that David Deng recruited Chinese immigrants to join the "U.S. Army/Military Special Forces Reserve" to help their ch...

Everything You Didn't Know About Armadillos

How much do you know about armadillos? Asher Kade had never even heard of armadillos before he moved to Texas and confronted many of them. But he dug up a lot of fascinating facts about the ancient animals. For insta...

Cat Burglar

(YouTube link) Here's the story from the YouTube page: Sophia breaks into Amy's house in Africa, James Bond style, for the sardines we bought earlier. She's a freaking clawed ninja! (Note her hanging on one paw whi...

What Is It? game 173

It is once again time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog. Do you know what this object is? Can you make a wild guess? Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comm...

"The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson

A classic in modern literature, "The Lottery" did more in nine pages than most novels do in nine chapters. Here's how Shirley Jackson outraged a nation with fewer than 3,500 words. Spoiler alert:*...

A Dinosaur at School

(YouTube link) One of the dinosaurs from the show "Walking with Dinosaurs" (previously at Neatorama) visited a school in Bondi, near Sydney, Australia. The kids were, shall we say, excited. Don't miss the foot race!...


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