Actor 'Dies' Five Times in 24 Hours

Hong Kong actor Law Lok-lam works for broadcasting company TVB, so he is assured to find other roles after five of his characters were killed off -all in one 24 hour period!
His character met a bloody end during a fight in the martial arts drama Grace Under Fire, and he vomited blood before expiring in Fate to Fate, the Sunday Morning Post reported.

In Relic of an Emissary, Law played the Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, who died after an illness.

In two other shows, Police Station No. 7 and comedy Virtues of Harmony, the actor did not die on screen but his death was discussed, the paper said.

A company spokesman said the timing of the dramatic deaths were a coincidence. Law said he doesn't mind, but it bothered his daughter. Link -via Arbroath

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While it is a little odd that they aired at the same time, it's not big deal for supporting characters to die in TVB series. The shows aren't long-running ones that go on indefinitely, they're more like mini-series: generally the whole thing is wrapped up in 20-40 episodes and the actors move onto another series. Generally there will be a fair few deaths leading up to a dramatic finale and many of them will be supporting characters so that the leads will get a happy ending.

Supporting actors typically pop up in more series than leading ones do as well because they have less screen time in each one. Law Lok Lam has been around for a long long time and undoubtedly he has been in very many series and died on-screen many times over.

Also, Police Station No.7 and Virtues Of Harmony are both old series so they're probably being rerun on TVB's "classics" channel. An actor with a repertoire like his would be in heaps of the rerun shows.

Having said that, the coincidence in the timing is a little weird.
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