The Flappers' Dictionary

Jim Lewin received a stack of old magazines at his used bookstore that included some issues of The Flapper from the 1920s. A July 1922 issue contained "The Flapper's Dictionary," a glossary of hot slang terms of the time, which he posted in its entirety. Here's a small sample:
Absent Treatment—Dancing with a bashful partner.

Airedale—A homely man.

Alarm Clock—Chaperone.

Anchor—Box of flowers.

Apple Knocker—A hick; a hay-shaker.

Apple Sauce--Flattery; bunk.

Barlow—A girl, a flapper, a chicken.

Bank’s Closed—No petting allowed; no kisses.


Bee’s Knees—See “Cat’s Pajamas”

Bell Polisher—A young man addicted to lingering in vestibules at 1 a.m.

Ask your grandmother (or great-grandmother) if she remembers some of these words. Some I know from watching old movies, and my own mother gave me "mad money" before I went on a date. Link -via Boing Boing

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The problem with most of these things is that half the words are out of fashion by the time they are published and the other half are specific to certain regions. So a word used in a particular context may have a totally different meaning one city away.
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These actually make me think of people who try to define internet lingo nowadays and are totally off the mark. I have a feeling that a lot of these were hardly used at all and would seem ridiculous to actual flappers of the time.
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