Runaway Tractor Demolishes Cars

(YouTube link)

A driverless tractor runs circles in a Walmart parking lot in Richmond Hill, Ontario, smashing cars and anything else in its way for several minutes. -via Cynical-C

another question... why are people just standing around watching all the things get destroyed? couldn't there be a way to just try to stop it... like jumping on the side and stop it??? i don't know much about tractors, but i would think there would be a way to stop it?
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My first thought was to jump on and turn it off, but the thought of getting crushed makes that hazardous. Then I thought a spike strip could take it out, or even a sticky bomb. Electromagnetic Pulse would probably destroy the electronic components which regulate fuel-intake and that would likely bring it to a halt.
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Why are all you people freaking out ? The tractor is obviously under remote control. How many times does it head straight for the building, then miraculously turn away at the last moment ? Seems a bit odd. I'd think the building would slow it down long enough for one of the lame asses standing around to do something useful. Oh well, just another dumbass opinion.
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