Talk about 8-bitboxing: Sebastian Bender created this clever music video called Game Boy Music, by "playing" various parts of the handheld gaming console.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]Game Boy, Sebastian Bend...
Artist Ji Lee creates miniature rooms of furniture, and installs them on ceilings!
People fill the floor of their homes with furniture and walls with paintings and pictures. So why are the ceilings left empty? Decor...
(Video Link)
Certainly adding an additional human element to curling could make it even more exciting, as this commercial by the Buzzman agency suggests. The speedos, would, probably and unfortunately, be necessary...
Ah, Paris, the City of Lights. Every year, more than 45 million people visit the city but roughly about 1 million of those starry-eyed tourists (mostly Japanese) fall sick with what has been dubbed the Paris Syndrome - w...