Bench for Teens

Photo: PS Geschwill

If you can't beat 'em ... sit with 'em! That's what Mayor Dieter Moerlein of Eppelheim, a small town in Germany did by installing a park bench for teens who refuse to sit properly:

The mayor of 17 years calls them "no-interest" benches because teens have "no interest in following etiquette. They all sit on the new benches like sparrows on a branch," he said. [...] "Kids are happy because there are no rules against sitting on the back of benches," the mayor said. "Others are happy because they now have a clean place to sit."

Link | Photo from Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung - via J-Walk Blog

"But now grubby teen shoes covering in mud or dog poo will be on the bench seat itself so now that lower seats will be constantly filthy."

Exactly. I cannot see the advantage or improvement. We have "anti-bum" spikes welded onto every conceivable horizontal surface in NYC, even street-level window ledges, the top caps of fire hydrants... they're everywhere you look! That's what they should've done - just add spikes to the top edge of the seat back.

This design is still crap, because if you sit on the top edge, you now have no back to lean against.
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To Mr. Awesome:
These are special teen benches. Normal benches still exist. These were created to keep the normal benches free of mud or dog poo.

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Well Mr Awesome the teenagers sit that way anyway and dirty the lower seat but now the rest of the public can sit on the back without getting themselves dirty. I would add a small backrest to the upper bench though.
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