Saggy pants? Not in Principal Bobby White's school. The Memphis educator has enacted "The Urkel Initiative," a program that secures those droopy drawers up around the offending student's waist with zip ties through the belt loops.
He says it has cut down the number of kids being sent home or receiving citations for inappropriate dress from more than 80 per week to about five.Link via Best Week Ever via AV Club
Comments (13)
Or a kid can practice moderation, which is part of growing up.
Laugh. Heartily.
And *still* be glad I don't have to see a bunch of kids shambling around with their underwear hanging out, and pants almost down to their knees.
Heaven forbid they buy into a fad that will pass.
If you look at the American School system you will find that is is based off of the Persian model. The Persian model was deliberately made to stifle creativity and self expression, because that breeds descent and rebellion.
If you look at a person and no matter what they're wearing judge them inferior simply because of their style of dress you are a shallow person.
But heaven forbid that you're not one of the cogs in the machine. After all, nobody who is unique has ever had success.
Heaven forbid they buy into a fad that will pass.
If you look at the American School system you will find that is is based off of the Persian model. The Persian model was deliberately made to stifle creativity and self expression, because that breeds descent and rebellion.
If you look at a person and no matter what they're wearing judge them inferior simply because of their style of dress you are a shallow person.
But heaven forbid that you're not one of the cogs in the machine. After all, nobody who is unique has ever had success.