A breeder abandoned Alice, an 8-week-old springer spaniel, because she was deaf and thought to be untrainable . She was adopted from a shelter by a deaf couple who are teaching her to respond to sign language commands. It looks like little Alice has found a perfect home.
this is one of the reasons i dislike dog breeding - the dog/animal is a commodity, not a life. 'inferior' products are disposed of. there are so many dogs in this world without homes - why pay people to make more? adopt a shelter dog and stop the need for breeders and mills.
when you bring a puppy home from a breeder or a pet store - ask yourself what condition it's parents are living in. look up puppy mills and brace yourself.
sorry to rant, but i have a dog that was used as a breeder at a puppy mill. she is physically well, but even after 2 years in a loving home, the mental damage is still there.
Anyway, wonderful story. It's great that the dog found a home that understands and will work with her. She seems like a real sweetie.
@BB you are a good example people checking into the breeder you choose - that's a must. clearly i agree with your statement that i painted mills and breeders with the same brush.
@sean49 i did not mean to be preachy. this is a subject that is very near and dear to me because i see the affects of the mill on my little sadie everyday. because of the topic, it seemed like a good place to say a little something about 'my cause'. i don't do it often and i don't try to squeeze it in every time i see an animal post.
so, while i do apologize for my poor wording - i stand by my statement that it is better to adopt than buy.
i hope that cleared things up rather than starting new trouble :)
"There is some Irish dog breeder out there who is certainly heartless for abandoning this little poor little springer spaniel pup"
so i believe our comments remained pretty much on topic and civil as well.