This Week at Neatorama

This week we managed to give away a baker's dozen t-shirts and a hat! Why? A, folks love to win things; b, we enjoy how creative you guys are with your contest entries; and c, we are promoting the NeatoShop, which is Neatorama's main revenue source and the reason we can run fewer ads than most blogs this size. We also had some neat feature articles this week you don't want to miss!

Jiil Harness looked into the darker side of science history with 5 Science Experiments Gone Wrong.

She also brought us some clever and beautiful art, in 25 Artist Renditions of Movie And TV Posters.

We took a peek into The Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists, courtesy of the Annals of Improbable Research.

Mental_floss magazine gave us 10 Modes of Transportation that Never Got Into Gear.

From Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, we learned about Hetty Green, The Witch of Wall Street.

Last week, Tiffany invited everyone to share their stories of the strange and funny things little children say at NeatoBambino. The response was wonderful! Read the t-shirt winning responses at Out Of The Mouth Of Babes: Part 2, and all the responses in the comments of part one.

John Farrier came up with a strange and wonderful contest called Besieged by Zombies at the NeatoShop. The idea was to defend yourself from a horde of zombies by using NeatoShop items, which sparked some wild ideas from the people who entered! The winning stories are in the followup post.

The Name That Weird Invention! contest went up Monday from Steven Johnson's Museum of Possibilities. Ladybuggs takes first prize for Convertuble, and Pat wins second place for Car Pool. Both win t-shirts from the NeatoShop!

In Mal and Chad's Fill in the Bubble Frenzy game this week, amanderpanderer’s line was selected to go in the speech bubble: “We always did make quite the paramecium.” She’ll be getting a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!

To be honest, in the What Is It? game this week it was hard to tell which answers were honest guesses and which were trying to be funny! just a guess was the first with the correct answer: this is a measuring device for a horse’s neck, so collars can be custom-sized. The funniest answer prize goes to The Professor, who called it “Occam’s Hooky-Thing” that wasn’t quite as successful as Occam’s Razor.

Bonus: Neatorama's Facebook page is not just a mirror of what's on the blog. You'll find extra links, discussions, and funny stuff there every day! You'll also find extra interesting things in our Twitter feed, published in small bites. Join in the fun -April Fool's Day is coming up next week, so you can count on some strange things happening!

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