It's time once again for the Fill in the Bubble Frenzy with boy genius Mal and his talking dog Chad! Tell us what goes in the empty speech bubble and you might win any T-shirt available in the NeatoShop -take a look around, pick one out and tell us what shirt you’d like with your submission in the comments. If you don't specify a t-shirt with your entry, you forfeit the prize. Enter as many times as you like (text only, please), but leave only one entry per comment. For inspiration, check out Mal and Chad’s comic strip adventures by Stephen McCranie at Good luck!
Update: amanderpanderer's line was selected to go in the speech bubble: "We always did make quite the paramecium." She'll be getting a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!
Bike Typo XL
Busted T-Shirt
Color : chocolate brown
Size : Small
I know, I know...super corny...sad trombone!
Protect Your Nuts-L
Something, somewhere went wrong T-Shirt
Pointless Stories are My Thing - XL
Love Machine, Black, Large
Love Machine, Black, Large
Shirt: I Make My Own Dance Moves
Shirt: Unpredictable Swing Voter
Inner Dorkiness (M)
ROFLCopter Pilot Navy Medium
Mmmm Pie, black, M please!
Hip hip array, medium
Love Machine, Black, Large
Love Machine, Black, Large
Mmmm Pie, black, M please!
Love machine, size L