Archive for March 21st, 2011

Black Beast of Arrrggghhh (Mini)

Black Beast of Arrrggghhh (Mini) - $9.95 Do you love Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Well, you are going to love the Black Beast of Arrrggghhh (Mini) from the NeatoShop!  Even the animator's fatal heart attack canno...

Knut Has Passed Away

Video link I'm sure many of you are familiar with the German superstar bear, Knut. He rose to stardom when his mother abandoned him at birth. A keeper at the Berlin Zoo stepped in and raised the cub from childhood,...

Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Ever Fall?

Construction on the tower began in 1173 and it started listing soon after as it settled on soft soil. Over the centuries labourers and engineers tried to compensate for the lean but none of the measures succeeded . I...

Russian Soldiers Induce Avalanche with Artillery Fire

(Video Link) There are few problems that cannot be solved with the proper use of artillery, as these Russian soldiers demonstrate. The snow in North Ossetia is building up. So it's time to reduce the load by trigg...

Eggs Boiled in Human Urine Are Apparently Considered a Delicacy in Some Parts of China

I hope that Google Translate is mangling this Chinese news story so much that its actual meaning is completely different that what it appears to be. Or that some reporter is playing a joke akin to April Fools' Day n...

Great Idea for a Cooking Show: My Drunk Kitchen

(Video Link) Hannah Hart is drunk. Or she's pretending to be drunk. At any rate, she has a webcam, a kitchen, and a hunger for a grilled cheese sandwich. Don't we all? This is a great idea for a show, but it nee...

Anatomical Nesting Dolls

Artist Jason Levesque made these nesting dolls for a show at the Rothick Art Haus. The illustrations at his blog are quite striking and worth a look. Link via Super Punch | Artist's Blog | Rothick Art HausMatryos...

Consensus Cloud on Books Everyone Should Read

Should Twilight be among the books that everyone should read? It is according to this infographic by David McCandless of great books (according to popular surveys): Do Top 100 Books polls and charts agre...

Elephant Bathtime!

You've gotta love how happy these little babes are in their kiddie pool. Video, Cute, videos, zoos, elephants...

Variations of "Europe" Expressed in a Venn Diagram

I'm glad that someone has done this, though I wish they had used names rather than flags; I would never be able to identify three of the entities on the outer part of the orange circle as Andorra, San Marino and M...

Rescued from an Eagle's Nest

This picture and others from the same sequence are everywhere on the internet today, but rarely is there any source or context attached. These are stills from the movie Rescued from an Eagle's Nest. (Yo...

Origami by Giang Dinh

Vietnamese-American artist Giang Dinh creates wonderful paper sculptures using a wet fold origami technique. It's hard to believe his animal creations were once a single sheet of paper!

Happy Birthday, Twitter!

Today is the fifth anniversary of the first non-automated Tweet ever sent over the new Twitter social networking site. On March 21st, 2006, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sent this Tweet: inviting co-workers Exciting, huh...

Bottle Bunny

Bottle Bunny - $19.95 Show your favorite Easter Bunny how much you care with the Bottle Bunny, wall mounted bottle opener, from the NeatoShop. They will be so touched by your thoughtful gift that they will be forced t...

Math Movie Quiz

Can you figure out what movie each of these mathematical equations represents? I couldn't. There are a lot of good guesses in the comments at Spiked Math Comics, but no definitive answer list. Link -via Geeks Are Sex...


Artist Clint Wilson interpreted the movie O Brother Where Art Thou? in the style of an ancient Grecian vase. I love it! Link -via Nag on the LakeArt, film, movie, Greek...

Terminator Leg

Reddit member captaincripple lost a leg in a motorcycle accident a year ago. He asked the forum for design suggestions for his prosthetic, and decided to go with a Terminator theme. He unveiled the finished...

Burglar Left Dangling Over Hot Oil

A fire alarm alerted police to a break-in at Paesan's Pizza in Rotterdam, New York about 1AM Friday. They found Timothy J. Cipriani wedged in an air duct with his legs dangling over a fryer in which the oil was still...


German artist Susanne Karg makes awesome little felted caves for cats to snuggle up in. Some are for sale through Etsy. See more pictures at A Polar Bear's Tale. Link -via TYWKIWDBICat, etsy, craft, felt...

Downhill Carnage

(vimeo link) A particularly steep hill caused grief for many competitors at the BUCS Cycling Championships at Moelfre Hall Downhill Track in Wales. If you think the hill doesn't look all that steep in this video, no...

Name That Weird Invention!

[caption id="attachment_43476" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Part of this image first appeared in the July, 1983 issue of Road & Track magazine."][/caption] It's time for the Name That Weird Inven...

Dalton Stevens, The Button King

In 1983, musician Dalton Stevens couldn't sleep, so he idly sewed buttons on a denim jumpsuit. This decision launched his new identity as the Button King: In 1983 it got so bad that I got up one night and started...

The Witch of Wall Street

The following is an article taken from the book Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into History. She walked up and down Wall Street in rags -but in her day she was the richest woman in America. Meet Hetty Green,...

Fox Makes Graceful Dive

(YouTube Link) This beautiful fox in Yellowstone Park is not about to let a few feet of snow keep him from a tasty dinner. He listens to the mice scurrying about beneath the surface and then he makes his move. Via Ec...

Like Your Coffee on The Dark Side?

It sounds like a simple pun to accompany a funny picture, but Vader's Dark Side Roast Coffee is a real product. It's just one of 17 Weird Examples of Star Wars Merchandise listed at Oddee (some of which are available...

Urine-free Charity Auction

Here's a tale of an eBay sale that grew and grew. British diver D.H. Morgan posted a wetsuit for sale. In his colorful description, he emphasized that the suit had never been peed in -and posted a picture of a bear at a...

Dine Ink Pen Utensil Set

Eating at your desk again? At least have a little fun if you have to eat while you work with these playful set of utensils: the Dine Ink Pen Utensil Set ($8.95) from the NeatoShop is a set of fork, knife and spoon shaped...

Probability of Crap vs. Number of Times Referring to Self as "Doctor"

Doctor Bradley Voytek knows a thing or two about being a Doctor (in neuroscience) so he decided to chart the probability of crap versus the number of times people on TV and movie characters referring to themselves as &qu...

The Last Sword Maker in Taiwan

Maria Popova of Brain Pickings (a fantastic blog, btw) has posted an excellent article about 7 micro-documentaries about occupations and crafts that are fast becoming obsolete. From being a shoe black to working the film...

Fan-Made Transformer Sculptures

Yang Junlin of Huizhou, China, loves Transformers so much that he opened his own "Legend of Iron" factory to produce his own robots out of old car parts:A year later, Yang Junlin opened his own factory, Leg...


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