Mike Holmes would have a heart attack. And then roll over in his grave if he saw this shotty eletrical. The whole thing is spliced extention cords! That's a fire wating to happen D:
Greyman the whole house which I was referring just screamed that someone bought it and used all of thier leftover construction materials to "fix it up." Most of which was not exactly up to code here.
I don't get how having what was obviously a salves "hey someone is throwing this away" stove that was obviously too small for the spot it was occupying in a three bedroom ranch makes me rich.
In fact the house we ended up buying didn't have any appliances, other rhen the fridge left full without power in the hor Chicagoland summer, the bathroom sink plumbing was incomplete, the gararage door opener was stolen by the seller right before closing and the man door for the garage was kicked in by said seller. Let me not forget the cut electrical lines to the 220 outlets and The medicine cabinet that was apparently held up by magic and paint.
Oh and thr seller tried to move the fridge out and it spilled it wonderfully purtrid contents on the floor of thr kitechen, laundry, and down the back steps. I have never smelled such a stench in my life.
High standards, no, just realistic for the area we were house shopping in. The "Fun House" was also 15k more then the others we has looked at that were similiar.
@narwhal - Indeed they have. It's something I've been thinking about a lot in the past few weeks. I don't know the answer though, besides having to invoke moderation (which is very time consuming).
Comments (15)
The whole thing is spliced extention cords!
That's a fire wating to happen D:
I don't get how having what was obviously a salves "hey someone is throwing this away" stove that was obviously too small for the spot it was occupying in a three bedroom ranch makes me rich.
In fact the house we ended up buying didn't have any appliances, other rhen the fridge left full without power in the hor Chicagoland summer, the bathroom sink plumbing was incomplete, the gararage door opener was stolen by the seller right before closing and the man door for the garage was kicked in by said seller. Let me not forget the cut electrical lines to the 220 outlets and
The medicine cabinet that was apparently held up by magic and paint.
Oh and thr seller tried to move the fridge out and it spilled it wonderfully purtrid contents on the floor of thr kitechen, laundry, and down the back steps. I have never smelled such a stench in my life.
High standards, no, just realistic for the area we were house shopping in. The "Fun House" was also 15k more then the others we has looked at that were similiar.