Can you algorithmically optimize a company's management team? Well, after building the web's most dominant search engine and self-driving car, Google's gonna try to tackle the next frontier: they're going to build better bosses.
IN early 2009, statisticians inside the Googleplex here embarked
on a plan code-named Project Oxygen.Their mission was to devise something far more important to the future of Google Inc. than its next search algorithm or app.
They wanted to build better bosses.
So, as only a data-mining giant like Google can do, it began analyzing performance reviews, feedback surveys and nominations for top-manager awards. They correlated phrases, words, praise and complaints.
Later that year, the “people analytics” teams at the company produced what might be called the Eight Habits of Highly Effective Google Managers.
Adam Bryant of The New York Times has the full story: Link (Photo: Peter DaSilva/The New York Times)