Still wear wristwatches? You're in the minority. Well, now that watches are killed off by cell phones, what do you wear on your wrist?
Tobias Lunchbreath, one my favorite cartoonists on the Web today, explains the "Sixteen Ways to Use Your Wrist Now That Watches Are Obsolete" over at CoreToon: Link | Different format of the cartoon over at Flickr
I am, however, one of those old fashioned types who still wears a wristwatch so my wrist is occupied.
Because yes, our conference room doesn't have a wall clock or anything.
But I like the emergency Oreo....
* Note also that this comment is really to take the opportunity to use the phrase "begs the question" in it's proper context.
I would ditch the calculator watch, or possibly put it on the other wrist, if the Emergency Oreo automatically replenished itself.
mmm oreos.