Sculptor and nature lover Aimée Baldwin creates realistic stuffed birds without any bird parts! These are made with
hand-cut crepe paper feathers over individually-shaped foam and paper-mâché body, with wire legs, sculpted claws and beaks, and taxidermy glass eyes*
*(glass eyes are the only pre-fabricated part of the birds)
Her gallery of works includes extinct birds, which a regular taxidermy artist cannot pull off. Link -via Boing Boing
It makes no difference what the taxidermist eats. I can't imagine any of them actually eat the subjects they're working on. "Here's your cat, Mrs Smith. And by the way, she was delicious."
This is paper sculpture, and has nothing to do with taxidermy. Why would a person who professes to dislike taxidermy choose to imitate it, and even call their own work "taxidermy"? That's like saying you don't eat meat, and then you eat tofu hotdogs and burgers to simulate the eating of meat.