Armchair Psychology Quiz

How's your psychology-fu? Do you know your Dependent Personality Disorder from your Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Let's play armchair psychologist and find out whether you have an inner Freud. Health Guru has an informative (and surprisingly enjoyable) quiz on evaluating your "shrink" potential: Link

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I also had a problem with question 1 - namely that the existence of dissociative identity disorder is poory supported by science based medicine.
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I think the idea behind the quiz is primarily to entertain, and not to test actual psychologists.

I learned some new stuff about fascinating psychological disorders, and some new stuff about Miss C!
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A completely worthless quiz from my perspective. First of all, like Cellania said. I can't answer the first question because I don't know any of the people in the question. I'd be able to answer it only if I had extensive knowledge of Reality TV. Other questions like "Which is the best treatment for DPD?" does not have the best answer "Cognitive Behavior Therapy". "The saying "It's all in your head" is linked to which of the following personality disorders?" It applies to every human being, the noumena that is the "real world" is never perceived directly by anyone, all perception is in the head. No questions about Reverse Intermetamorphosis, Catard's Syndrome, Synaesthesia, Proposagnosia, Abulia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or the like, just primarily about DPD and APD, which is a very small set of conditions. Hardly a good measure of ones aptitude.
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