Archive for March 7th, 2011

Eye Chart Tattoo

Well, at least this tattoo serves a practical purpose. English Russia brings us several pictures of one man who decided to get an eye chart tattooed on his back. Link via Copyrantertattoos, eye charts...

Angry Birdsky

This makes perfect sense! Banksy's Flowerchucker and the video game Angry Birds were made for each other! Flickr user bortwein75 dreamed up this mashup. You can see variations of it at the link....

Postcards from Google Earth

The above image is from San Francisco. Artist Clement Valla discovered that if you zoom and direct Google Earth just right, you'll end up with some really weird and distorted images. It's like Salvador Dali spend t...

New Dating Website Helps You Find Someone Who Looks Just Like You

Because that's what we're all looking for, right? Christina Bloom is the founder of, which will open for business later this month. She says that she was inspired to build the website after peo...

Glacial Caves

For several years, photographer Eric Guth has shot some amazing pictures of caves and hollows that form under glaciers. He explained how he knows where to look for good shots: "I've found that melt water has ever...

Improv Everywhere: 17th Century Spanish King Offers Autographs in front of His Portrait

(Video Link) For their latest gag, the folks at Improv Everywhere invited King Philip IV of Spain (1605-1665) to stand before his portrait painted by Diego Velázquez. His Majesty offered free autographs to anyone...


Take a look at this video. Just take a look at it. I won't spoil the surprise .... Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]More info hidden after the jump:That's the Geminoid DK, the latest iteration of the Geminoid series of ul...

Which Makes You Crazier: Crack or Heroin?

Well, there's a lively philosophical cafe house discussion and then there's this fight to the death between two people high on their respective drugs. Oh, and crack won:Loniesh Veasey told Tacoma police she was high...

Priest Gets PhD in Snowboarding

Whereas our own Alex Santoso decided to get his PhD in cushy, postmodern subjects like "biochemistry" and "molecular biology", this guy decided to go the traditional route and get his doctorate in snowboarding. Neil Ell...

Ze Train Has To Be On Time

That's what the German railway officials said (I'm paraphrasing) as they refused a mother's plea to stop a train when her toddler was accidentally left on a train:Ulrike Kracht, 19, had pleaded with Deutsche Bahn sta...

The Bread Code Tells You When a Loaf Was Baked

Ever wonder what the colors of the tie tags on loaves of bread represent? They're a code designating the day of the week on which a loaf was baked: * Blue: Monday * Green: Tuesday * Red: Thursday...

9 Accurate Work From Home Demotivational Posters

As someone who works from home, I can vouch for the accuracy of these nuggets of wisdom posted at Buzzfeed. This one in particular, which is a concept I struggle with. You might laugh, but when you work on your own s...

Springfield Mall Directory

When a TV show has been running as long as The Simpsons has, you get to know its fictional world pretty well. Jeff Wysaski took the information from the show and  mapped out all the stores in the Springfiel...

Who Said It: Hunter or Charlie?

If you've been keeping up with actor Charlie Sheen's very public meltdowns, or if you are a fan of Hunter S. Thompson's philosophical remarks, you should do well on this quiz. You'll be given a quote, and all you have to...

Sunny Outlook Solar Powered Owl

Sunny Outlook Solar Powered Owl (Small) - $10.95 Do you have trouble looking at the sunny side of life? Maybe you need the Sunny Outlook Solar Powered Owl from the NeatoShop. Sit the Sunny Outlook Solar Powered Owl o...

Slow Loris with Umbrella

(YouTube link) Possibly in Russia, where possession of the animal is legal, a slow loris proudly but slowly clutches his tiny umbrella. Say it with me now: aaaawww! -via Daily Picks and Flicksumbrella, Cute, loris...

Armchair Psychology Quiz

How's your psychology-fu? Do you know your Dependent Personality Disorder from your Dissociative Identity Disorder?Let's play armchair psychologist and find out whether you have an inner Freud. Health Guru has an informa...

Polish Movie Posters

Movie posters in Poland aren't glitzy, especially when compared to their American counterparts, but they do have a lot of charm. ShortList has compilation of 10 Polish Film Posters that have a very different take on movi...

The Movie Quote Generator Quiz

They call me Mister Neatorama! Which movie was this quote from? Get your own quotes: This toy from the Surrealist is a movie quiz in that you are challenged to recall what movie the quote is from. But the quote...

Mosaic Library Bathroom

Mosaic artist Katy Galbraith made this wonderful shower stall of hand-cut tiles with some broken ceramics. There are tile books perched on the sink as well! It turns out, you can enjoy this bathroom yourself...

Great Minds

This Twaggie was drawn by David Barneda from a Tweet by @TeenDreaming. Bill Gates' picture was skipped, possibly because we all know what he looks like. Linkscientists, brains, pun, Twaggie...

The Strange Powers of the Placebo Effect

(YouTube link) You know that placebos can relieve pain, but did you know you can suffer withdrawal symptoms after taking them? This video from Professor Funk has a lot more about placebos and how they work. -via Nag...

Name That Weird Invention!

It's the Name That Weird Invention! contest. Steven M. Johnson comes up with all sorts of crazy ideas for the Museum of Possibilities. Can you come up with a name for this one? Commenters suggesting the funniest an...

The Balloon Man

The following is an article from Uncle John's Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader. It's hard to imagine birthday parties, celebrations, or political conventions without a rainbow of balloons. So considering that...

Microchip Paintings

Artist Yuri Zupancic composes miniature paintings on tiny microchips, such as this nude which measures half an inch high. Zupancic paints them using brushes that he makes from his own eyelashes. Here's his explanat...

Beautiful Photos of Antarctica

Over at In Focus, the news photography blog for the website The Atlantic, they have recently added 47 amazing photos of Antarctica - "its environment, and some of the scientific work taking place there". Link - vi...

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