What time is it? It's about Pi/2 past 2Pi/3. You don't need to know the geometric definition of this mathematical constant to know what time it is since it's not a digital display.
?? Who cares about ?? Circumference divided by *diameter*? A circle is defined by its *radius*, not its diameter! Behold ? (tau), at least TWICE as good as ?: http://tauday.com/
There may be some explanation as to how this works, but this clock on first sight (the only important sight) doesn't work at all. It seems like these guys thought ?=6? Because when ?=?, ? is not 6, 2? is not 12, and 3?/2 is certainly not 9. It's fucking 4.71238898038469.
PS- All of these equations would work if ?=6. What the fuck.
Behold ? (tau), at least TWICE as good as ?: http://tauday.com/
The positions of the hours would still be labeled 1 through 12, but they would have
suffixed to each one.
Tau (?) is (proposed to be) 2? (2 * pi).
PS- All of these equations would work if ?=6. What the fuck.