28 Delightfully Geeky Videogame Cross Stitches

Did you know that March is National Craft Month? In order to get your revved up and ready for the holiday, I’ve gone ahead and rounded up some of the best videogame cross stitch designs I could find. Cross stitching is a perfect medium for old school videogames because the pixels can easily be transformed into geeky stitching patterns. So sit back, relax and get ready to get crafty. Special thanks to Sprite Stitch, a wonderful website dedicated to video-game-themed crafts. This great design by Flickr user CrystalPowell combines four of the greatest Nintendo classics in one.

For those that like their videogames really old school, this Commodore 64 cross stitch by Craftster Forum user Maltririel is just the ticket.

The classic Space Invaders cross stitch by Flickr user Cross-stitch ninja is fun, but I must admit that I prefer the Space Invaders/Futurama cross over piece featured on Let’s Get Radical.

Personally, I was never very good at Space Invaders, but Arkanoid was a serious addiction for me for a while. That’s why I’m in love with this design by Eunice of Mondo Pixel.

Flickr user Sewsew-a-go-go stitched this massive 12” x 28” screen from the NES classic Punch Out Game.

If you liked Street Fighter more than Punch Out, then this character select menu by Etsy user StitchPleaseMD might belong on your wall. For an action shot of the game, look no further than this excellent piece by Sprite Stitch forum user Celes_Lionheart.

As someone who grew up playing Sega, I tend to think the Genesis doesn’t get nearly enough love. That’s why this Sonic title screen cross stitch by the wife of Reddit user Maggoty makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

Becky Schaefer’s pieces featuring Lara Croft are an elegant bridge between classic floral cross stitch patterns and modern video game designs.

If you’ve ever wished you could bring your favorite classic Nintendo characters with you wherever you went, then you might want to drop by A Little Stranger and pick up one of these precious cross stitch necklaces.

This Bubble Bobble clock by Craftster forum user Jazzhands isn’t for sale, but I know I’m not the only one who would line up to buy one if it was.

Flickr user Mechasheva happily declares, “It’s on like Donkey Kong” with this one.

For something a little more romantic, check out this great Tetris piece by Penelope Teapot.

The Pixel Bit Megaman cross stitch featuring the face of our hero and the bosses is cute, but it’s hard to top the epic boss battle image by Deviant Art user Karma Pudding.

Pacman’s adorable simplicity makes him a perfect subject for aspiring cross stitchers. The framed piece by Etsy seller lostmitten seems like an excellent addition for any kitchen. The scrolling Pac Man piece is so tiny that the creator, Flickr user Everythingisaspoon, had to use single strands of thread to make it.

Zelda is a pretty darn popular game so it should come as no surprise that there are tons of cross stitches done in the name of Link and his princess. They can range from epic, like the wall hanging piece with glow-in-the-dark thread featured on Crafts and Such, to inspirational, like Sprite Stitch forum user Deborah’s detailed depiction of Link, or they can be useful, like the two maps by  Sprite Stitch forum users Servotron and Blink190.

Like most videogame art mediums though, Mario reigns supreme as the star of the most designs. In fact, if I posted all of the Mario pieces I found, there wouldn’t be any space left for other geekery. Perhaps the most awesome of all of these works is also the most massive, Deviant Art user sgoheen06’s panoramic view of the end of a level that stretches 5’x2’.

This Super Mario 3 map by Radical Cross stitch is also impressively detailed, not to mention amazingly accurate.

Sprite Stitch reader Ivan sent in this absolutely adorable cross stitch made for his newborn baby. The shading and detail on Yoshi might not be appreciated by his youngster right away, but every adult who sees it is certain to be impressed.

Craftster forum user Rachel Kristen’s Mario cross stitch may be more simple than others included here, but its positive message is irresistibly pleasant.

For a little Mario humor, look no further than Craftster forum user elor23’s “I’d Hid That” stitch.

As always, feel free to share links of any other videogame cross stitch works that I’ve missed and if you liked this article, be sure to check out last year’s piece on weird and cool crochet projects. Also, stay tuned for more geeky cross stitches in the next week.

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I got all nostalgic recently and came up with this Ryu x-stitch. http://www.flickr.com/photos/35345383@N05/5435615149/
That Streetfighter menu screen is awesome :)
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