The Most Wildly Inaccurate Prediction about the Internet, c. 1993

(Video Link)

In 1993, an early Internet user named John Allen explained that the Internet was and would continue to be a place of remarkable civility and courtesy. Warning: text displayed during the video is NSFW.

I began using the Internet in 1995, so I can only assume that this genteel atmosphere that Allen spoke of collapsed in just two years.

via Urlesque

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@Splint - I believe so. It certainly fits the totalitarian nature of the government in that book. Not being able to hide your identity would certainly make the net more civil. Or not - is a nice sample of people who have no problem linking their true names to horrible, willful ignorance and vitriol.
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As another poster remarked, the culture of the Internet was different in 1993 than it is today. For instance there was once a thing called Netiquette, a common courtesy extended in conversation but also in the way Internet resources were used. This has gone by the wayside long ago. I suppose to put it bluntly, most Internet users in those days were educated, intelligent people who saw an opportunity to do one thing, communicate.
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Damn, I was on usenet when they started selling webtv.
Then some of them found the capslock key and the internet became civilized (I wish).
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