Fat Lurks Where You Don't Expect It

Did you know that half a can of this soup has as much fat as a 16 - 20 lb. roast turkey? Bone up on fat comparisons to find out which foods conceal oceans of fat under an an innocent-looking exterior. For instance you might be surprised to find that a Dunkin’ Donuts Pumpkin Muffin contains more fat than a Premium Crispy Chicken Ranch BLT Sandwich from McDonald’s. Although many of these foods are not part of a regular healthy diet some are marginally better for you than others.


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Fat is good for you now?


Fat is fat, saturated or not. like everything else we eat it must be in moderation. you should care how much fat you ingest.
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Ah, some skeptics have landed.

@Jessss: We're talking about food, not ethics.

And yes I know that it's a generalization to say that if it comes from the land (like vegetables from your vegetable garden) without going through a million processes in the factory is more healthy than the over-processed crap you can get in the stores, but did I really need to spell that out?

>>So are those "magic" chemicals then?

You are too clever for me!

But for some reason I don't think the food that comes straight from the farm (to keep the example simple) contains stuff like: Hydrogenated Oils, Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), Sodium Nitrite, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or Food Colorings. Which are just a few examples I found after 1 minute on ehow.

>>Is it really that hard to learn enough basic biochemistry...


>>...to discuss nutrition without sounding like a complete nutjob?

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guys, you're stupid. not all fat is unhealthy, but these foods contain a high amount of saturated fat.
eating a lot of saturated fat leads to more cholesterol in the blood, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
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"chemicals (that do not grow in nature)"

So are those "magic" chemicals then?

Where exactly did they "grow" and according to your theory they must have been transported to the soda factory by space aliens eh?

Is it really that hard to learn enough basic biochemistry to discuss nutrition without sounding like a complete nutjob?
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