The Minneapolis Institute of Arts rented a billboard sign for their exhibition "Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting." It featured a portion of the nude painting Venus Rising from the Sea. It didn't stay nude.
Apparently, someone thought it was just a little too nipple-y outside. Even if this is some kind of Midwestern modesty thing, at least the vandal did grant Venus a saucy red strapless deal--hardly sensible blizzard-people attire.
The MIA's PR staff held a little pow-wow with Clear Channel, who offered to take the billboard down immediately. But head of PR Anne-Marie Wagener was tickled.
"Without those words it did look as though someone's trying to censor it," she says. "But with 'Brrrr!' it has that whole sort of funny element. Because it is cold!"
They've decided to leave Venus and her new wardrobe up.
Link (contains art nude) -via reddit
Comments (13)
we got no modesty in the midwest
especially those of us who spray paint signs
So how come the paint is not not clear?