This web clock from designer Jack Hughes displays the time like all web clocks, but it also changes the background to correspond to the hexadecimal color value represented by the numbers of the digital time. Watch for any length of time and it will change, although sometimes quite gradually. However, when I looked up #110927, I got a completely different color. The colors may be set for a specific time zone. Link -via J-Walk Blog
This web clock from designer Jack Hughes displays the time like all web clocks, but it also changes the background to correspond to the hexadecimal color value represented by the numbers of the digital time. Watch for any length of time and it will change, although sometimes quite gradually. However, when I looked up #110927, I got a completely different color. The colors may be set for a specific time zone. Link -via J-Walk Blog
This is really neat! I may have to sit here staring at it for a while!!