Archive for February 17th, 2011

Fantasy World Map

Dan Meth came up with the definitive map of fantasy places you know and love -all in one big continent! It's "the very first accurate map of the entire fantasy world." Let the arguments begin. Link -via Buzzfeedmovie...

Mission Impossible Squirrel

(Video Link) Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cross an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine until arriving at a bird feeder. Good luck, Chompers. via SnarkyBytessquirrels...

Rubik's Brain Cube

Artist Jason Freeny made this fully functional Rubik's Cube puzzle shaped like a brain. Presumably some knowledge of anatomy is essential to solving it. Link via Super Punch Previously by Jason Freeny: The An...

Somewhat Cumbersome 24-Shot Revolver

In the past, we've looked at somewhat fanciful efforts to improve the ammunition capacity of revolvers, including the use of feeding chains, superimposed loads, and stacked chambers. There's not much information ava...

Pig Popper

Pig Popper - $9.95 Do you ever feel like hurdling something soft at one of your co-workers? Now you can! The Pig Popper from the NeatoShop, stress relief never felt so fun. Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more...

Charlton Heston's 3 Post-Apocalyptic Films Make Sense if Played Simultaneously

(Video Link) Charlton Heston starred in three post-apocalyptic films: Planet of the Apes (1968), Omega Man (1971), and Soylent Green (1973). As an art project, Anthony Discenza took the en...

Ice Age Cup Made from Human Skull

It is said that Alboin (d. 572), King of the Lombards, had the skull of his enemy, King Cunimind of the Gepids, turned into a drinking cup. It was the ultimate sign of triumph against a defeated foe. This traditio...

Billboard Swing Set

Architect Didier Faustino made Double Happiness out of an old billboard in New York City: Double Happiness responds to the society of materialism where individual desires seem to be prevailing over all. T...

The New York Toy Fair

I am just back from New York, where I had a very unromantic Valentine's Day.  You see, your happiness is more important to me than romance and flowers. So instead of staying home with my sweetie and kids I braved Ne...

The King Spits

(YouTube link) Dan Bull remixed video of the movie The King's Speech with his own song about how rap is good therapy for stammering -and a few samples you'll recognize. -via mental_flossrap, stutter, stamme...

Food Fight over a State Dessert

Controversy is brewing in the state of Maine over a proposal to designate the whoopie pie the official state dessert. The designation, supporters say, would give Maine bakeries a marketing edge and raise awareness th...

The Eye of the Sahara

You'll be forgiven if you first read that as "The Eye of Sauron." Astronauts were the first to notice this 50-kilometer wide geological formation in Mauritania, in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Read about it and o...

Robocop Statue for Detroit

After mayor Dave Bing nixed the idea of a Robocop statue in Detroit, interest in the potential project grew immediately. A website was launched. A Facebook group sprang up, and a Kickstarter project welcomed donations. T...

Synchronized Swimming Goldfish

[youtube=] YouTube link Animal activists in China have raised objections to a stage performer's "magic trick" which appears to involve goldfish swimming in synchronized formati...

The Westminster Dog Show

The Westminster Dog Show was held this week at Madison Square Garden. The event drew over 2,500 dogs representing 179 breeds. The judges were impressed with outstanding breeding and grooming, while I am impressed wit...

The JakPak

(YouTube link) I knew I had seen this in The Museum of Possibilities. It's a combination jacket, sleeping bag, and tent. All in one. Yes, you can buy this. -via the Presurfertent, sleepin...

Yummy Pockets Taco

Yummy Pockets Taco - $4.95 Spring is in the air and you are feeling motivated get your life in order.  The Yummy Pockets Taco from the NeatoShop is here to help.  Fill the Taco up with your favorite random crap and fe...

5MB Hard Drive

A computer from the mid-20th century would fill an entire room -a big room, at that! IBM introduced the 305 RAMAC system in 1956, the first computer to use a hard drive. What you see here is that hard drive, which we...

The LEGO Factory

(YouTube link) A group of Swedish students have built a fully automated factory out of LEGO. This is the result of a bachelor thesis made by a group of students at Chalmers University of Technology in 2010....

What Is It? game 165

It's once again time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog. Can you guess what the pictured item is? Can you make up something interesting? Place your guess in the comment section below. O...

Tycho Brahe: The Drinking Man's Thinking Man

Like most trust-fund party boys, astronomer Tycho Brahe came fully outfitted with a less-than-endearing arrogant side. Of course, that's not to say his hubris was totally misplaced. As a child, it didn't take Tycho very...

Rare Celebrity Photos

"This is not porn" is a photo blog with posts about rare and beautiful photographs of various celebrities. Here you you find rarely seen pictures of celebs such as Albert Einstein, Bill Murray, Ozzy Osbourne, Prin...

World's Fastest Round of Hide-and-Seek

(YouTube link) This short video clip shows two kids that are playing a game of what very well might be the fastest round of the hide-and-seek that the world has ever seen. via RedditGame...

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