Win A Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set!

A heart-shaped box filled with Dungeons & Dragons D20 dice mysteriously arrived at the neatorama HQ the other day. Rather than open it and get lost in one of the greatest time-sucks known to the geekosphere, we decided to give it away to one lucky winner! Here's what you need to do to win:

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ThenĀ retweet this post with the #NeatD&D hashtag, orĀ comment below to tell us why you absolutely must have this game.. The recipient will be selected from the hashtag search and commenters here. Good luck to all! We'll keep the contest open through the end of V-day!

Update: congratulations to winner Holly Davis! Thanks to everyone who played along, and keep an eye out for more chances to win fabulous prizes from Neatorama!

Ive been following you on facebook for a long time now, and I have been reading this blog daily for well over 4 years. In face, when I started reading, I read back to the very beginning, and haven't missed a post. I've read it all. I even bought from every mystery sale. So, how about letting one of your biggest fans have a great valentine's day gift?

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I want to win them for my nephew- he's nine and I really want to get him started before he hits his preteen years and thinks its lame.

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Me and My friends would like to get this for a friend of mine who lost her child before it was born. They play a real life entwined campaign that uses real things that happen to them in the campaign. I'm sure that this would be a nice gift to help cheer them up.
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My wife is skeptical of D&D, but I think some of it is because all I have is dice and my knowledge from source book that I read a long time ago. If I had an awesome set like this, I bet she'd humor me at least just a little bit and try to play a game with me.

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I've been reading the monster manuals since I got a hold of my father's when I was 10. Alas, I've never played, but I now have a group willing to teach me. But I'm a poor college student, and it would be irresponsible to buy my own stuff right now.
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I really want to give the dice to my hubby who's been playing Dungeons and Dragons 1 Edition and 2nd Advanced since he was 8 and now 19 years later he's the best DM in our little town of Crescent City, there's one hobby store here who doesn't carry very much So for V-day it's kind of hard to find him anything that's actually worth it. ^__^ Thank you
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Oh My boyfriend would love me forever if I got him this to use when he plays D&D and Cthulhu Tech. It would go great with the Cthulhu Tech Game Master board I just bought him.
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I'm all alone for this V-Day. Maybe I can roll myself up a fantasy girlfriend. lol (Actually, this sounds pretty sad)
Maybe I'll use them to entice a special girl to join the dark side of D&D.
I say give them to Knicknack :)
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Here's what I posted on Facebook, but coverage is good, right?

Alright, you got me. I'm still a D&D geek after all these years, even more so lately because of the recent resurgence of the game in my circle of friends (I won't out them here; the shame is mine to bear alone).

The only problem with our regular get-togethers is that I have quite possibly the most ghetto set of dice out of all of us. I actually have lost various components of my set over the years, replacing them with six-siders from my kids Monopoly Junior game, or what used to be a keychain from a casino. It's a little embarrassing having to ask for a d8 during every encounter, and I feel like a charity case while the rest of my party offers to bring me a set to borrow next time.

So, with about 5 hours of free time yesterday I resolved to remedy the situation and set out on a quest to find a new set of dice (or at least a d8). Granted, it's been a while since I've needed to go to a game store of this nature, but (I thought) I knew there were a couple places locally that would probably have what I was looking for.

The first had been Amazing Stories on 4th Plain, but as I pulled up I noticed that the name of the shop had changed to I Like Comics. I discovered that, sadly, they were strictly comics now (well...comics and what looked like a pretty cool Guitar Hero setup), and while I did find the first installment of Joss Whedon's Angel series (and some closure *snif*), I did not find any game dice.

The second shop I thought I would have better luck with, as the sign on the plaza billboard was still there. Alas, as I pulled up I found that it had been converted into a church in recent months. Disappointed, I drove home. It's not that it was a huge deal, but it felt like a sign. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, or I would find what I was looking for somewhere else. It just wasn't going to be on that day.

So, imagine my surprise when I hop on Facebook this morning and see this gem that Neatorama had posted. For one thing, I hope they realize just how much someone loves and appreciates them to put together a gift like this. Clearly, this ultimate expression of caring and tenderness was made in the hopes of winning someone's heart. But, far be it from me to pass up on an opportunity. One man's unrequited love is another man's treasure, right?

My hope is that the universe held out on me because it wasn't the right time. After all, had I found what I was looking for, I probably would have skipped right over this, and then I wouldn't get the opportunity to embarrass myself in front of 3 million of my closest friends. Makes sense, doesn't it? So as I see it, I'd be the ideal pick for this fantastic prize for two reasons: I am a geek in need of dice, and it's pretty clear to me that it's the will of the universe.

C'mon, please?

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That's one ugly Tweet:

RT @neatorama+-+Win+A+Dungeons+&+Dragons+Encounters+Set!+ #NeatD&D

You can probably make these more readable with some formatting tricks. Like Leah said, the ampersand breaks the hashtag.
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My boyfriend has been trying to get me to play D&D with him for awhile now but I have yet to cave (though we do play WoW together). This might just convince me to finally join one of his campaigns.
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This would be great for my girlfriend and I. For my birthday just recently she made me a 'Bag of Holding', filled with various game related items (like health potions and magic rope) that she handmade herself. It was so awesome :D
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I was just medically discharged from the military with p.t.s.d. (post traumatic stress disorder) and honestly it'd just make me feel better to finally have a new dice set!
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D&D is the ultimate childhood nostalgia piece for me. My brothers, some neighborhood kids, and I would spend countless nights locked into gameplay; them as warriors and me as DM. We've been talking about getting the whole group together again for a new adventure. This would make a great starting point to a brand new playing field.
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I would love to give this to my husband for Valentine's Day. We have 6 kids, and I am going back to school for my degree, so I am a broke college student. He works 6-7 days a week, and D&D is his vice. He gives up everything (except D&D) for us.

I would have "loved" you on facebook, but I can only "like" Neatorama. <3
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Because this would be a lovely way to celebrate my "D&D"-versary. I've been playing for a little bit over a year now and the more dice, the better, since I'm starting to play a second campaign! (Also, I'm a girlfriend who plays and doesn't need convincing... :) )
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To replace the dice my nerdlets have pilfered. Somewhere in this house an epic adventure is taking place, apparently; leave it to my children to devise encounter tables requiring 5D20.
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...because I get that one must take a chance and roll the dice on love.

or how about

...because I get the irony of determinism inside emotion.

or how about

...because my profile picture made your post!
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I usually don't get friends at my home because there's not much to do at my home, because my family banned TV and Personal Computers, we have ONE family computer which I am on right now.
If I'd have this game I would have something really entertaining to do with my friends.
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I absolutely MUST have this D&D set, because after playing it with my Dad and Brothers for years and years since I was young, our old set unfortunately met it's end when my younger sister got to the age of 3 and became a destroying, chewing, dice-swallowing machine, now we are desperate for a new set and not only would it bring back great memories and nostalgia for all of us, it would bring us together and give me something to do while I'm at home with this illness I have to deal with!

I can't think of anything funny and I don't have a sob story, but I'm telling you now that this D&D set would make a lonely, geeky girl's day this February! as an avid reader for 3 or more years of this blog, I commend all these generous giveaways you always seem to do!
:)- Bella
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My fiancƩ plays D&D with me, and my friends. I usually DM. D&D's my only hobby since my fiancƩ is very disabled, and I have to take care of her, and our 9 month old son. I've been playing for 19 or so years of D&D with my cousins and grade school friend's our games are still going strong. I think it would be truly awesome if I finally won something, and I think my fiancƩ would love the dice. It's the only hobby we look forward to every night Since she can hardly leave the house.
Thank you - Jeramiah The Dungeon Master
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I'll be honest, I hate D&D and I think its boring. I can't stand sitting there telling people what I'm doing when I can just do it on WOW. However, my fiancƩ has large D&D games every week and he LARPs every month. He has recently created his own game that he has been testing out. The fact that I still encourage him to do the things that I will never be interested in must mean something. There is also the fact that I am typing this long paragraph just to get him a box of dice that I will have to clean up every time he invites his friends over for a game...and the fact that I have been putting up with him and his hobby for 7 years. ^_^ I know it sounds bitter, but I'm not bitter...I love him.
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... Because my Dark Sun campaign level 6 Goliath Warden, Hodor, recently caught the eye of the city of Raam's Grand Vizier, Abalach-Re. He entered into a "King of the Hill"-style arena death match, and emerged victorious with the aid of one of his companions, Aren the elven ranger, whilst another ally Balashi Hunzu, the shardmind invoker, thwarted an assassination attempt from the bleachers.

A heart-shaped box of dice would be the perfect way to express Hodor's gratitude to his party for backing him up time and time again, as he wades into throngs of enemies with no regard for his own safety, trusting that they'll not run like frightened children when faced with a legion of cannibalistic halflings.
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My reason for absolutely wanting this set is the fact that I recently lost all of my dice in a move. I was forced to leave almost all of my D&D stuff since we had to move in less than 2 days. So winning this would be completely epic and I'd be awesomely grateful.

(Re-post from my facebook)
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Because my gf and I are +4 into board games and have been considering picking up a game of D&D for the first time. We are also both of the nerd race and are impervious to the crippling negative social status that comes with playing such games.
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The answer to the question is with a question itself! Why SHOULDN'T I have this game?

This would make a sexcellent valentines gift to my wonderful partner, and will more than likely be cherished forever and roll some natural 20's like no other!


If I do not win, I will more than likely scream KHAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

git'r'done and mail this badboy asap! ;)
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I need this because I just moved away from my home city for a job - and I can't play D&D with them anymore. I think this would help me make new D&D friends in my new place.
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I discovered D&D a little over a year ago, and I absolutely LOVE it. I now DM two separate campaigns, and play in a third. I would love to win this set to give to my wife, who is now playing in a campaign with me!
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I love your site, I've read pretty much everything, and constantly share stuff with my friends!
This would be the best gift for my fiance, he's been pretty down lately, and D&D is one of the few things he really enjoys doing, but we haven't played in over a year! This would spur him on, help him relax and take time to do something he enjoys instead of constantly worrying about work. Plus, then when we play he can use his own dice and stop stealing mine! :)
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Because evidently I wrote too much in my first post and it got buh-leeted. :cry: I'm sorry I wrote too long. Here how about "I want it cuz it would roxx0rz!!1!" Is that better? :(
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Well garshk, I'm no more deserving than any of these guys. Probably less so. In my case, I'm poor, dropped out of college, an out of work, and I don't know how to show my favorite lady friend I care about her, much less make her give a damn. This present might be just the thing to tie two demigeeks together in a beautiful relationship. Maybe.
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I would say that I'd love this set so I could actually play with friends or loved ones, but alas, I currently do not have either of which. In fact the opposite exists for me, all of my friends laugh at me that I have a lot of the D&D 3.5 books as well as carry my favorite d20 with me at all times as a luck charm. So to be completely honest with you, I want it to just have it, to win something, perhaps it'll spark something with somebody somewhere that I may finally be able to start a group, or meet somebody else special who is into PnP as well. If not, oh well, no harm done.

Happy Singles Awareness Day!~
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A box containing several sets of d20 system dice would present me an opportunity to re-gift them to my nieces, nephews and god-children to expose them to the intellectual stimulation that campaigns, be they month long marathons or weekend adventures of escapism, can bring.

I have been able to entice them in to playing with D & D: Castle Ravenloft as of late and that used just the singular d20 and this "tip of the iceberg" taste for what a full on campaign can bring has shown me and my young cohorts immeasurable joy.

I don't deserve to win these so much but it certainly would give me a very cost effective means of opening up children's minds to another world of adventure and boundless limitations of the imagination.
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I stopped gaming awhile back for lack of a gaming group. I would like to convert some of my friends into gamers or find new friends to play with. A box full of d20 sets would be the perfect ice-breaker/enticement to getting a new group together.
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I've gotta have this because my boyfriend taught me how to play D&D months and months ago but has not been very interested since, because there's only the two of us to play. This would get him interested again and maybe he'd help me find other people around here to play with - it'd put the spark back into our gamelationship!!
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Why must I have this? Because it's dice and I will be starting up a playtest for Green Ronin over the next week and every new PC needs new dice. You aren't one of those dirty people who share dice between characters now are you? No of course you aren't, you wouldn't want me to become one would you?
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I guess this is a re-tweet? My dice are out to kill me. I've rolled crit 1s, twice an encounter on multiple occasions. Please let this moderately attractive girl and her Rogue keep on stabbin'.

Again, Boobs. I has dem.
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I follow you guys on Twitter as @mapleleafmommy.
I follow you on Facebook as D. Tousignant

I would LOVE to win this set so I could share it with my GM husband.
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I live in a remote mountain city somewhere in the northern Philippines, and me and my friends would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to have a lot of dice so we won't be scrambling for the one set we collectively share whenever we play D&D on Saturday nights (before we eat fried squid balls and noodles). Pretty please for the dice! =)
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My wife of 8 years and I met playing games at college. I wound up introducing her to D&D and through it we have met lifelong friends! One of my first requirements when we went to buy a house was that it would have space for a man cave (read: Nerd den). This basement monument to geeky gaming would be happily graced by this offering. :)
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Oh please, oh please.
I'm on my knees.
My mid-life crisis hearkens fast.
And I have lost my youth at last.
Help me to find the joy I knew.
When in my youth dragons I slew.
For at 40 years of age
I must obey the gaming sage.
To roll the dice just one more time
would make this birthday so sublime.
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I'm closer than ever to persuading my wife to join me in my weekly D&D game. I think getting this would enable me to push her over the edge and we'd finally be able to settle our differences with dice, as nature intended.
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I once spent way more than a reasonable amount of money acquiring 2 custom made titanium d20s. That I then had to spend too much money having the numbers inscribed on by laser.

I also spent way too much money acquiring a full sized meteorite d20.

A D20 valentine though? That is something I do not think I could put a price on (:
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My husband has been playing since he was a kid and now my 12 year old niece is intrigued. And not just because it annoys her mother. It would be great if she had her own dice so she could nerd it up properly.
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I recently got into the game,
It's my friends who are to blame,
I think it's nice,
But I have no dice!
And I think that's pretty lame.

:-) I <3 D+D
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I long for new dice. I didn't get any in my Christmas stocking. My husband says I have enough dice, but he's wrong you can never have enough dice. At the game store I stare longingly at the dice sets and test roll the individuals. If I won dice I would be so happy, and my husband would be so happy because I hadn't bought them.
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My cousin Penelope was practically born wearing a pink tutu and holding a fairy wand. Since that day, she has gracefully walked that fragile line between barbie doll land and the noble world of fantasy, with me constantly on the front lines fighting for geekdom. She's a smart kid, keen on her third-grade math and science classes, with a penchant for make-believe and magic. This past summer I rounded up all five of my little cousins and basically DM'd for them, while they acted out what their characters were doing. It was adorable. And addictive, to boot! They cajoled me into running several more mini-campaigns during my visit. Before I left, Penelope pulled me aside and, frowning, asked me how they would play after I left, and, realizing my opportunity, I explained that she could roll dice to help her determine the outcome of her adventures. She's doing her best with a standard pair of six-sideds, but I'm hoping to upgrade her adventures and her interest. Help me, Neatorama Kanobe! You're my only hope!
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As the inventor of the game himself once said, "Random chance plays a huge part in everyone's life."
So I'll follow the call to adventure and take a chance by traversing through the labyrinth of Neatorama's Dungeon in search of the foretold treasure. All the while avoiding the exploding caltrops and insect swarms, battling the zombies, slaying the troll and finally confronting the Dragon... and saying, this would be an entirely impish and thought-provoking gift for the Dungeon Master in my life.
After all, when you see that smirk and then the barest hint of that evil smile from behind the DM's screen... you just know bad things are going to happen. What could be a more perfect gift then the means in which to decide the character's fate?
Battle torn and weary I'll press on, casting magic missile as my last defense and saying... Game on.
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I hope I'm not too late for this. I was introduced to D&D three days before Gary Gygax died. Since then, I have wanted to have my own set, but as a college student have been unable to afford one for myself. As much as I would like it for myself, though, I have another reason for wanting the set. My brother has issues with executive processing, meaning that given a set of choices, he will usually either make no choice or go down the worst path possible, without realizing the consequences. I hope that by role-playing in a non-threatening environment, he may be able to overcome some of those mental blocks in real life. If I got the set, I would give it to my brother for his birthday, so he, my parents, and I could play together.
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While I have not played this, my boys have and find it to be super fun. They will sit for hours and enjoy, You are followed on twitter and thanks for posting!!
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