Charlie, an abandoned cat, bears an unfortunate resemblance to the evil Lord Voldemort of the Harry Potter films. The fourteen year old animal had his ears and nose removed after a bout with cancer but is reported to be friendly and playful. He is able to smell and hear despite his lack of ears or a complete nose. Unlike Voldemort Charlie has not killed anyone's parents, is not the sworn enemy of Harry Potter and would make a lovely pet. He is available for adoption and it is hoped that a Harry Potter fan will take pity on him and provide him with a loving home.
I wonder if part of the reason for him not getting along well with other pets, especially cats, is because of his ears being gone. They play a big role in just about every animal's expressions of body language and Charlie's lack of ears might be hampering his ability to interact with other cats that way. Maybe they see him as threatening?
BTW, for him to still have a normal life at 14 after such a major surgery is a testament to the skill of the vet that treated him. After seeing this, I know I want to take my cats to that vet!
The power of the dark side is strong within this one.
Need I say more, yes?
Still, I'd take him in if I were nearby. I'm sure he's found/will soon find a great home.
Yesterday she met Charlie, who has had his ears and nose removed after suffering from skin cancer, and the pair immediately bonded.
The 14-year-old domestic shorthaired cat is now preparing to move into his new home next weekend. - Daily Echo