No Robocop Statue for Detroit

The Mayor of Detroit has been crowd-sourcing ideas to reinvigorate the Motor City - and he actually received a pretty cool suggestion, no doubt inspired at least in part by Philadelphia's statue of their hometown movie hero Rocky.

Sadly, the short-sighted Bing politely declined the idea, which was overflowing with win.
Detroit Mayor Dave Bing, who has taken to the Internet to solicit ideas for the city's revival, said on Monday there were no plans for a RoboCop statue to honor the 1987 science fiction movie based on Detroit. The question had come in via Twitter.

"There are not any plans to erect a statue to Robocop," Bing wrote on his Twitter account. "Thank you for your suggestion."

Bing touched off an immediate wave of Twitter messages from fans of the movie who hope he will reconsider, and others amused that he had even responded.

I think a statue of RoboCop in Detroit would be a great idea. I'd bet that since there is a remake in the works the studio just might pick up the tab. Heck there's a statue of Jack Benny at the minor league baseball stadium in my town of Rancho Cucamonga, California. The reason, for those of you too young to remember, the city of Cucamonga was frequently mentioned on Benny's radio show as kind of a joke.
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They can't afford the RoboCop statue because they need to save up for a real ED-209 to control the crime.

The only feasible use left for Detroit is to convert it to an Air Force bombing range, and the only long-term good that could come from THAT would be if the residents were not informed beforehand.

Just sayin'.
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