Bullet Pen

The pen is mightier than the sword, especially when it's made of a bullet. Behold, the Bullet Pen by Dorian Creations:

Dorian Creations Bullet Puns have clips in the shapes of rifles and are sometimes adorned with camo paint, but that’s not where the gunpowder stops. Each pen is crafted from a real life bullet. Not an artist’s representation of a bullet, a dyed in the wool, could-kill-someone .308 Winchester rifle round. Now you can – quite literally – seal the deal with a bullet.


This is a not uncommon kit, popular with pen turners:


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I looked at the link...I don't see, nor does the website show how a pen (ballpoint?) is incorporated into a live cartridge.
Even if someone did do it...any self respecting gun owner should realize that live ammunition is not a "toy".

Stupid is as stupid does.
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I've seen dozens of these at antique fairs, curio shows, gun shows; all done by soldiers in WW1. they're called 'trench art', and the field includes ashtrays, lighters, flasks, field pieces, biplanes - all made from brass cartridge cases, shell casings, bullets, shrapnel, and bullets.
A lot of time on their hands, when they weren't killing/dying for their country.
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Go and get on in MA. . . when the cops arrest you for owning it you will be looking at jail time if you don't have a gun permit. . . just for having the brass, it doesn't even have to have powder or a primer on it. . . This state is a mess
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bill: I doubt it's a loaded cartridge. The dent in the side of the cartridge casing is caused by extraction from an automatic or semi-automatic firearm, which means that particular cartridge has been fired, and is therefor spent. I doubt they went through the trouble of reloading it.

Also, if this pen uses a standard ink cartridge, the shaft would have to extend through the primer hole (which would probably need to be drilled out).
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