Tired of your old dictionary? Do you find the OED to be just a little bit staid and conventional? If that's the case, then you might want to consider looking up your word in the OEDILF - the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form. This is a crowdsourced project, seeking at least one limerick for every meaning of every word in the English language. Definitions are presented only in the five-line AABBA rhyme sequence. For aleuromancy, you would find three limericks, including these two by Seth Brown and S.A. McBurnie:
My occult divinations ain't fancy —
I read flour; that's aleuromancy.
You toss knuckles and bones,
I'll just stick with my scones;
Stealing dead people's fingers is chancy.
Want an augury, easy to swallow?
Aleuromancy—go ask Apollo:
Balls of flour, words inside.
Mix 'em up, then divide.
(Later on, fortune cookies would follow.)
Like the original OED, this is a very-long-term work-in-progress. They are currently accepting submissions "based on words beginning with the letters Aa- through Dr- inclusive ONLY." The estimated date for completion of the dictionary is 17 Oct 2035.
My occult divinations ain't fancy —
I read flour; that's aleuromancy.
You toss knuckles and bones,
I'll just stick with my scones;
Stealing dead people's fingers is chancy.
Want an augury, easy to swallow?
Aleuromancy—go ask Apollo:
Balls of flour, words inside.
Mix 'em up, then divide.
(Later on, fortune cookies would follow.)
Like the original OED, this is a very-long-term work-in-progress. They are currently accepting submissions "based on words beginning with the letters Aa- through Dr- inclusive ONLY." The estimated date for completion of the dictionary is 17 Oct 2035.
Comments (2)
*Bodacious* her taataas were just so.
I felt stirrings in me down below.
I gave them a squeeze
she gave me her knees
and now I sing like a soprano.
Defines terms in poems quite tricky.
But my bet is submissions
will explode beyond wishin's,
By the time they get 'round to "Nantucket".