10 Foods You Can Cook in a Coffee Maker

Sure, you can cook a squirrel in a popcorn popper, but those really aren't that common since the advent of microwave popcorn. Max Eddy of Geekosystem has a more practical guide for you: how to cook food in a coffee pot. He has links to instructions and recipes including lemon pepper chicken, chicken pesto pasta, and fish steaks. Inspired by his post, right now I'm cooking eggs in my coffee pot. I'll let you know how they turn out.

What foods have you cooked in a coffee maker?

Link | Previously: How to Brew Beer in a Coffee Maker

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Ha! My first week in college we cooked ramen noodles...in a coffeemaker made for a travel mug instead of full pot. It was so much fun! I was also excited to use an iron to make grilled cheese, but never got around to that one...
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I used to travel a lot for work, and I have cooked a lot of ramen noodles in hotel coffee pots over the years. Not exactly haute cuisine, but it's cheap, and it works.
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