The Littlest Storm Trooper

Yan Fortin, the webmaster at Geeks Are Sexy, has been working on a secret project for the past nine months and today unveiled ...his new clone! No, we can't leave it at that, because his mama deserves credit as well. Here's the little storm trooper coming home in that big helmet he's going to grow into. Congratulations from your friends at Neatorama! Link

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There are some interesting pairs. CA is both bad for business; despit this, it has the most productive businesses.
[That could be because of natural monopolies, in theory. In practice I think it's that innovative tech companies seem to be ok with the business environment in CA.]
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Speaking as someone who lives in Massachusetts, I uttered a hearty "WTF" about our "worst." After reading some articles about it, it turns out that we have the highest reported rate of child neglect/abuse, but that's primarily because our reporting rules are extremely strict; other states surely have much higher rates of abuse, but many more of those cases go unreported. I imagine a lot of the things (particularly worsts) on this list are similar misrepresentations.
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