Bacon: The Gateway Meat for Vegetarians

Ah, bacon. Is there anything it can't do? Add this to the incredible power of bacon: it's the gateway meat for vegetarians!

[Johan Lundstrom] a scientist who runs a lab at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. He studies how the brain processes sensory information, like smell, for a living. He also told us he had an ex-girlfriend who became an ex-vegetarian once she tasted bacon.

Because bacon is one- to two-thirds fat and also has lots of protein, it speaks to our evolutionary quest for calories, Lundstrom says. And
since 90 percent of what we taste is really odor, bacon's aggressive smell delivers a powerful hit to our sense of how good it will taste.

"There's an intimate connection between odor and emotion, and odor and memory," Lundstrom says. "When you pair that with the social atmosphere of weekend breakfast and hunger, bacon is in the perfect position to take advantage of how the brain is wired."

See also: NeatoShop's Bacon Store

I too find the smell of bacon off-putting. Of all the meats out there, the gateway for me would be Tilapia, since they are farmed in a fairly environmentally responsible way, they are not endangered or treated cruelly, the meat has really good nutrition numbers, and Tilapia aren't mammals. But I can't even take eating Tilapia, let alone something like bacon where pig farms are awful for the environment, are usually inhumane to the pigs, and the meat has awful nutrition numbers, and pigs are very intelligent mammals - much more so than a cow.
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American bacon tastes quite different than English bacon. English bacon smells different to. It doesn't have the extra chemicals American bacon has so it almost tastes rancid. You get used to it after a while but it really does have a noticeable difference in taste.

The English also have their eggs lying out on shelves in grocery stores. They are not refrigerated. I know I was shocked to see them like that...
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Bacon smell is great – in moderation... When I first moved to NYC I lived right over a deli and they fried so much bacon down there that the smell would wake me up. I didn't wake up and smelled bacon, the smell of bacon WOKE ME UP. Ah, memories. :D
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Vegetarian for 23 years. Morningstar fake bacon tastes different than the "real thing", but satisfies the craving.

So this is bogus.

However, I can only resist the call of Italian dry salami for so long.
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Huh? I'm a vegetarian, and the smell of bacon makes me feel queasy. A few years ago I had some potatoes cooked on a bacon griddle (I forgot what most meats taste like so I couldn't place the taste at first). It tasted awful and gave me a horrible stomach ache.
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Pretty much the only thing I don't like about Neatorama is your on-going promotion of bacon. It makes me think you're getting money from the meat industry. If that's true, it should make all of us queasy.
Please answer me this: What percentage of bacon sold in the US does NOT come from inhumane factory farms (which are environmental catastrophes)? My guess is it's less than 5%.
You don't need to be vegetarian (I'm not) to be horrified by the specter of pigs in tiny crates stacked 10 crates high, each one shitting on the ones bellow and having to be hosed down with antibiotics because the conditions are so filthy. Those same antibiotics helping to breed super germs in the huge pig shit lagoons. Does anyone remember the swine flu scare?
Honestly, I find your cutesy promotion of bacon disgusting.
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I am non vegetarian but I have to concur with most of the ideas posted here. Bacon is my least favourite meat, the smell is ok in moderation, (and this is where I differ from the vegetarians) If I eat it I have to peel off the (very gross) fat parts. given the choice I choose ham (I like sausage but some sausage is way too greasy for my stomach) so yeah, I don't know why a vegetarian would switch just because of bacon... this I think is another evolutionary science research FAIL.
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