6 Plot Threads Famous Movies Forgot to Resolve

Have you ever watched a movie end "happily ever after" and later thought, "Hey, what about...?" Lots of major movies hope you will just let those ragged plot lines go, and we do most of the time. Saturday Night Live once made an alternate ending to It's a Wonderful Life because Mr. Potter received no comeuppance in the film. And I've often wondered about The Wizard of Oz, which is featured in this article from Cracked:
If you haven't seen The Wizard of Oz in a long time and are relying on a vague childhood memory of it, you probably don't remember exactly why Dorothy got sucked into a tornado and transported to the magical land of Oz. The whole reason she wound up in that predicament is that her little black terrier, Toto, had bitten an annoying townsperson named Almira Gulch. Gulch then goes out and gets a sheriff's order to have the dog put down.

Isn't it time someone made an alternate ending resolving the fate of Toto? Read about more such movies at Cracked. Link

Toto is a just a plot device the authors used, not an important subplot, or even sub-context. It's not necessary to explain how he got back at the end. there are many things that could have happened while dorothy was either a) in oz, or b) in a coma. As far as COBOL in inception goes, when I first watched the movie I thought it was perfectly explained that Cobol was working for Saito, Cobol's men killing that guy after Saito explained his proposition was basic Saito hiring Cobols guys to show Dom that he meant business and would not be afraid to kill Dom too. I really think this article is reading way to much into every little detail.
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Toto jumped out of the basket Gulch had him in while transporting him on her bicycle. He ran back to Dorothy and they ran away and ran into the carnival guy who also played the Wizard.
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