The Blind Car Mechanic

Ever since he was a little boy, Bart Hickey has always loved cars - so it's only natural that he became a mechanic. In fact, he has his own car shop, called Bart's Auto and Towing or B.A.T. The name is very apt, because Bart is blind as a bat since birth.

When someone tells you that something's impossible or you simply cannot do it, just think of this post:

[Vimeo Link]

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ok so seriously? i wish nimic could still see my comment, bart hickey is my father and my uncle brian knows bats arnt blind. but that saying is like how old? im 19 and i know better than to pick out little flaws instead of seeing what this post is really about. my dad is my everyday inspiration, role model, and nothing short of a hero. thanks everyone for spreading the news about my dad. my family truly appreciates it<3
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Bart Hickey - is an inspiration. all of you children should learn from him. The correct phrase should now be blind as a tree. enough said
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Gnarls, Nimic has been removed from the OTM list for the "Mothers basement" rebuttal, you have now taken that spot. Simply for hoping in a hopeless time. Haha.
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Ironically Nimic, I am also a mechanic. There are several different time zones. Eastern in this case, so it was 6:56 AM. I work 7:30 to 5 or later to make sure your mail gets to you (My attempt at a shameless plug, you can thank me in later posts.). Either way, I didn't mean to sound so brash, and I'll apologize for that, but don't snuff the fun out of things. A turn of phrase is nothing but a cheap chuckle. The brighter colors of this English language that is becoming more and more drab.

Kudos on your job though, as they say, "Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life." just lighten up a little. There are far better ways to get your point across. I for one truly thought bats were of poor sight. So I did take something from your post.
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