Those of you who read the comments here at Neatorama know that the remaining writers are a thick-skinned bunch. We welcome comments, both kudos and criticism, but we have a couple of rules: we will delete comments that are personal attacks on other Neatoramanauts, we will edit or delete comments with particularly bad language, and of course, we remove spam. Other than that, we encourage a lively but mannerly debate about the things we post. And if you have suggestions for making Neatorama better, we'd love to hear them!
This week, Disney theme park fan Jill Harness gave us the lowdown on one of Walt Disney World's biggest attractions with Neatorama Facts: Space Mountain.
From Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, we learned about The Fight for Safe Milk: Swill Milk. Part two of the fight for safe milk will be published Monday.
We looked into The Neural Correlate of Ignorance, courtesy of the folks at the Annals of Improbable Research.
Around the World in Religious Traditions came to us from mental_floss magazine.
In the Museum of Possibilities, Steven M. Johnson takes time to imagine Umbrella Possibilities.
At NeatoBambino, Tiffany passed along some nuggets of wisdom in Life Lessons My Dad Taught Me.
At the art blog, we welcome a new collection from UK illustrator Sam Branton. Check out his works and those of all the other artists.
At Neatorama's literature blog BitLit, you're invited to follow the tale of “How Santa Saved The World Then Lost It All” in Happily Ever Over by C. Merry starting here. The first five chapters are up; be sure to check back as more chapters are posted. Pictured here is the story's ghost Lavender Mary. And you can read the entire novel Wizard Constable by Tom Van Natta.
In the What Is It? game this week, Robert McLaughlin was the first to correctly state that the mystery object is a canary cage for a coal mine -here’s an explanation. Among many humorous guesses, The Professor wins a t-shirt for “This is the server used by Facebook to keep users’ private information secure!”
Looking for more once you've read all of Neatorama? Check out the links at the NeatoHub or the Best of Neatorama!
This week, Disney theme park fan Jill Harness gave us the lowdown on one of Walt Disney World's biggest attractions with Neatorama Facts: Space Mountain.
From Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, we learned about The Fight for Safe Milk: Swill Milk. Part two of the fight for safe milk will be published Monday.
We looked into The Neural Correlate of Ignorance, courtesy of the folks at the Annals of Improbable Research.
Around the World in Religious Traditions came to us from mental_floss magazine.
In the Museum of Possibilities, Steven M. Johnson takes time to imagine Umbrella Possibilities.
At NeatoBambino, Tiffany passed along some nuggets of wisdom in Life Lessons My Dad Taught Me.
At the art blog, we welcome a new collection from UK illustrator Sam Branton. Check out his works and those of all the other artists.
At Neatorama's literature blog BitLit, you're invited to follow the tale of “How Santa Saved The World Then Lost It All” in Happily Ever Over by C. Merry starting here. The first five chapters are up; be sure to check back as more chapters are posted. Pictured here is the story's ghost Lavender Mary. And you can read the entire novel Wizard Constable by Tom Van Natta.
In the What Is It? game this week, Robert McLaughlin was the first to correctly state that the mystery object is a canary cage for a coal mine -here’s an explanation. Among many humorous guesses, The Professor wins a t-shirt for “This is the server used by Facebook to keep users’ private information secure!”
Looking for more once you've read all of Neatorama? Check out the links at the NeatoHub or the Best of Neatorama!