Archive for January 22nd, 2011

$5 Heli-Rocket

(Video Link) While spending only $5 for the necessary modifications, Douglas Desrochers gave a rocket helicopter blades which it could use to make a smooth descent: The HeliRocket is propelled by a standard model...

The State of Wikipedia

(YouTube link) Co-founder Jimmy Wales explains how Wikipedia came about ten years ago, how it works, and some interesting facts you might know about the website. -via Boing BoingWikipedia...

Boba Fett Spartan Helmet

This. Is. Kamino! Artist Jon Wollack crafted this helmet as a wedding gift for a friend. It sure beats a china set. Link via GeekosystemStar Wars, helmets, Boba Fett...

Winking Emoticon Heart Paperweight

Winking Emoticon Heart Paperweight - $11.95 Is love weighing heavy on your heart this Valentine's Day? Tell that special someone how much you care about their paperwork with the Winking Emoticon Heart Paperweight from...

The Facebook Divorce

Facebook may let you reconnect with old friends, but for increasingly many, the social network website leads to the breakups of marriages: a staggering 1 in 5 American divorces involve Facebook as evidence of cheating.*e...

Symphony of Science: The Big Beginning

[YouTube Clip]Eight in the auto-tuned Symphony of Science music series by John Boswell is "The Big Beginning." It's about the Big Bang and the origins of the universe, and features Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking,...

Familiarity Breeds Miscommunications

Why doesn't your husband understand you? A new research found that being too close to another person may actually hamper communications:The spouses consistently overestimated their ability to communicate, and did so...

Serenity Prayer: Resistance is Futile

Remember the Jabba The Hutt Serenity Prayer cross stitch we featured a while back? Well, Emily and Matt Fitzpatrick of Steotch have the second in the series, this time featuring Picard/Locutus from Star Trek: Linkstar tr...

Hamster Ball Space Suit

NOVA has a fantastic feature about historic space suits by Susan K. Lewis, featuring space suits from Project Mercury, Gemini and Apollo as well as those that didn't make it out of the prototype/design stages. This one a...

Magnetic Spheres Sculptures by Dimitri Tishchenko

Photo: Dimitri Tishchenko [Flickr] By day, Dimitri Tischenko is a computer programmer. By night, he's a mad genius constructing impossibly complex geometrical sculptures usi...

Alien Hand Syndrome

When Karen Byrne woke up from a brain operation to control her epilepsy, she found that her left hand had a mind of his own.Here's the strange tale of the Alien Hand Syndrome: Imagine being attacked by one of your o...

Lazy Teen Superheroes: Fantastic Amateur Film Made for $300

How much money do you think it takes to produce a superhero movie complete with nifty special effects? Millions of dollars?Michael Ashton can show Hollywood a thing or two about budget filmmaking. He created this 13-minu...

The Language of Prairie Dogs

Whaaat? You didn't know that prairie dogs have their own language? (Cue Dramatic Prairie Dog clip)Professor Con Slobodchikoff of Nothern Arizona University spent 30 years studying "prairiedogese" and cracked th...

The Secret of Learning: Stop Studying and Start Taking Tests

Hate taking tests? Too bad! A study has shown that to really learn, you should stop studying and start taking tests: Taking a test is not just a passive mechanism for assessing how much people know, according to new...

USA vs. China: Who's The Better Capitalist?

Even if the American economy is in the tank, at least we can console ourselves that in the long run, our democratic capitalism will win out. After all, isn't the United States the largest economy in the world?Well, read...

Get Along With Your Co-Workers Tea

Get Along With Your Co-Workers Tea - $9.95 Your co-workers don't drive you crazy. You love them.  They are like family. That Get Along With Your Co-Workers Tea in your NeatoShop shopping cart is not for you.  You ar...

Cat Lives the High Life in Tree

Almond was born in a maple tree last summer and never left. Ron Venden of Belleville. Wisconsin, says he's never sen the cat leave the tree, and there are no paw prints on the ground when snow covers his yard. And Almond...

The Albino, Vampiric Redwood Tree

Have you ever seen an albino plant? Albino redwood trees are very rare, since they lack chlorophyll plants use to convert sunlight to nutrients. However, they can survive by sucking nutrients from neighbor trees. The...

The Giving Forger

Since 1989, Mark A. Landis periodically donates art to various museums. He asks for nothing in exchange, then disappears. Sooner or later, the art museum finds that the Curran, or Signac, or Lepine works he donated are f...

This Week at Neatorama

Those of you who read the comments here at Neatorama know that the remaining writers are a thick-skinned bunch. We welcome comments, both kudos and criticism, but we have a couple of rules: we will delete comments that a...

New Fossil Shows Pterosaur with Her Egg

A pterosaur fossil found in Liaoning Province, China, yields fascinating information about the prehistoric reptiles. Scientists believe the Darwinopterus pterosaur laid the now-fossil egg after it died. Scienti...

12 Pieces of Geek Jewelry for Your Nerdalicious Guy Or Gal

One of the great things about the internet is that designers and manufacturers can find a specialized clientele, and consumers can find specialized items that locals stores cannot afford to stock. Case in point: jewe...

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