San Francisco Bus Shelters Now Come Equipped with Video Games

Are you getting bored waiting for the bus? If you live in San Francisco, you may get to play video games while you wait. Yahoo! has installed large touch screens in twenty bus shelters in that city:

As part of the promotion, transit passengers from 20 specified neighborhoods will get the chance to compete against each other in different video games — and the community that wins the two-month contest will host a block party featuring the rock band OK Go.

To compete, passengers need only to tap the screen and choose one of four games, which range from visual puzzles to sports trivia competitions. Once a rider has selected which neighborhood they want to represent, they can challenge any other waiting passenger to a live competition. Also, for anyone curious about duping the system, Yahoo has set up barriers to prevent any sort of automated competition. via OhGizmo! | Photo: PSFK

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Two reactions: 1. This is why everyone hates San Francisco. 2. You never have to wait long enough there for the bus for this to make sense. Put them in San Diego - we have HOUR long bus waits on weekends.
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