Reagan to the Rescue!

Now that the mainstream media is crowing that Obama's approval rating has been bouncing back, what's a good ol' conservative to do? Time to trot out the Gipper!

Here's Reagan to the Rescue Tumblr blog, which described itself as such:

A photoblog dedicated to the fact that Ronald Reagan -- and only Ronald Reagan -- can solve any/all of our problems. It is well known that Ronald Reagan is a time traveler who once won a drinking contest versus Thor and Zeus and bedded Aphrodite and Helen of Troy-- at the same time. He lives among us still, selectively solving problems. If shit is fucked up anywhere in the world, he knows about it and can solve it. If he's not solving it, it's because the solution is still trickling down. Be patient! This page is a tribute to American's greatest undead deity. Please save us Reagan!


Ditto Neal.... I come to this site as a refreshing oasis away from political commentary. Is it possible to refrain from any reference to political crap - dems vs repubs, conservative vs liberal.. PLEASE!
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I agree with Neal...I never want to feel unwelcome or agitated when I visit this site. Neatorama has always been pure fun for me and my friends...50% of which are left-wing elitist ideologues...50% of which are right wing Limbaugh/Coulter conservatives.

Please dont make this site another outlet for political rage or right/left wing invective.
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Alex, you jonesing from not shaking the hornets nest in a while? While I don't mind things being shaken up once in a while, the masses don't seem to agree it seems. I guess I'll have to stick with The National Post website for my daily dose of loss of human dignity and depravity.
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Did I miss something? All I see is a post regarding a website/blog that is basically a new spin on the Chuck Norris meme, using Ronald Reagan.
Was there some lengthy political article I missed?

I'd rather see this than another museum of possibilities post.
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As a non-yank I'm just amused by this. But I can understand how people can feel that neatorama is turning into another flag-waving "things that will make you angry" boing-boing-a-like
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Not offended by this quasi-political Chuck Norris ripoff. It's in pretty poor taste (as are some of the comments), and possibly inflammatory for no apparent reason. Why pick on the dead guy now? Why make fun of his health issues?

Seems kinda sad.
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