Denied by the TSA because he forgot his ID and desperate to make his flight, a young man decided to ride the luggage carousel:
Edward Hall III, 24, (pictured) tried to make a United Airlines flight set to depart at 8:11 a.m., but a TSA agent refused to screen him when he couldn't produce photo ID, police said.
Hall then asked a dumbfounded ticket agent, "Can you put me in a suitcase and send me down the baggage belt?"
She refused, and he strode behind the counter, and jumped onto the moving baggage belt. He was arrested about 20 minutes later near the tarmac, and told cops, "I just wanted to make my flight."In an online profile, Hall fittingly said he researches "human impatience."
Human impatience, indeed! Link
granted, he would still have been arrested.....
I'm surprised the TSA hasn't thought of that one.....
And George Stephanopolous would barely contain his laughter...
In 2008, I lost my wallet the day before a return flight home (domestic flight). I did get the third degree from TSA, asking all kinds of Big Brother questions, but I was ok with it, because I was able to catch my flight home that afternoon. You CAN fly without ID. Perhaps this guy was giving TSA other reasons to not let him through?
He shoulda known better
If you are flying without an ID, plan to get to the airport extremely early and be prepared for extensive questioning and searches of both your person and any baggage.