Fed up with the ever-increasing cost of higher education, University of Colorado student Nic Ramos decided to pay his $14,000 tuition in cash. Specifically, with $1 bills:
You don't often get to go to banks and walk out with a suitcase full of cash ... Nic Ramos said staff were ''not too pleased'' at having to count $14,000 in single dollar bills.
Link [self-starting video clip]
An i believe that they didn't count the money by hand, it's 2011, if it's a big school and they are on tuition time, thet have to have a machino to count.
I'm all for creative pranks which punish/mock the mighty. This one is a fail.
I had a friend in grad school that dressed up like a pirate and payed a fee (I think ~$1200) via a chest filled with Sacagawea dollars (although there was some cash in the chest because the bank didn't have enough of the $1 coins). I wasn't a fan of putting the office staff through the pain, but they seemed to enjoy the break from the ordinary.
As for counting the money... No self respecting institution doesn't have a money counting machine so it probably took all of 15 min to count it all. Not sure the message got thru but bank employees spend more "working" time than that on Facebook in a day!
He made their job needlessly difficult, and accomplished nothing. Everybody already knows tuition is expensive.
I hope he has a decent major and isn't wasting that $14K.
Don't like the price - someplace there's a paper hat or shovel with your name on it.