I don't know the origin of this picture or the set of which it is a part, but it appears to show a man making a candle with bacon grease. Do you think that it would work?
My only question is why anyone would waste all that delicious bacon fat on a candle? Fried eggs, home fries, corn bread, biscuit, mmm, lots of good stuff to make with that. There isn't a food that exists that isn't better without bacon fat. Even brownies.
you can use almost any type of fat or grease as a "candle" or lamp. i've been doing it for years (vegetable oil works too). get a ceramic container and fill it with your fat of choice, cut a slit in cork and insert a woven cotton wick into it (and long enough to dip down into oil/fat). light wick and enjoy.
"fat lamps" have existed for thousands of years, and i'm not sure why anyone is questioning it.
"fat lamps" have existed for thousands of years, and i'm not sure why anyone is questioning it.