Archive for January 19th, 2011

Rings of Saturn

(YouTube link) This carnival ride concept is making my stomach queasy just looking at it, but my kids would fight for a chance to try it. What about you? -via The Daily Whatcarnival, thrill ride, ferris wheel...

Instant Love Inflatable Heart

Instant Love Inflatable Heart - $4.95 Are you feeling a little needy today? Do you need a little extra love and attention?  The Instant Love Inflatable Heart from the NeatoShop is here for you.  Just pop open the tin...

Man Proposes to Flight Attendant Girlfriend on Jetliner PA

Joao Vieira wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Portuguese flight attendant Vera Silva, in a memorable way. So he booked a flight on which she was working. He worked with the pilot and flight crew so that he could...

Soviet Work Safety Posters

English Russia, a blog that presents readers with the oddities and wonders of Russia, has a collection of graphic work safety posters from the Soviet Union. They get rather blunt, but it would be hard to to...

Bacon Candle

I don't know the origin of this picture or the set of which it is a part, but it appears to show a man making a candle with bacon grease. Do you think that it would work? Link via The Presurferbacon, candles...

How Not to Lock Your Bike

Does this look like it would deter any bicycle thief whatsoever? See a collection of lock and logic failures for both bikes and bigger vehicles in a collection at Locksmiths-R-Us. Link -Thanks, David!bike, l...

The Oblique Wing Aircraft

The Ames-Dryden (AD)-1 was an experimental aircraft developed by NASA during the 1970s. Its wing could pivot up to 60° to present the most efficient angle for a given flight objective: The oblique wing was the b...

Polish and Czech Monster Movie Posters

Instead of reprinting the studio posters, film distributors in some eastern European countries commission new posters for movies, and many are works of art. Monster Brains has a collection of Polish and Czech posters...

Robot Designed to Move Like a Knifefish

(Video Link) Knifefish have a long doral fin that flutters back and forth to move the fish. Here's a video showing one in motion. Scientists at Northwestern University thought that it could serve as a useful basis...

Badass Blogger Tattoo

It's a jungle out there in the blogosphere, and if you're going to survive, you've got to be tough. Show the world you're hardcore, like Geekologie reader Jian did by getting this tattoo.

Foursquare Utility Lets You Search for Places with the Most Lopsided Gender Ratios

A start-up company called Motivity developed this application for Foursquare. Ratio Finder lets users find check-in locations with the sharpest gender imbalances so that they can go there and, well, presumably flirt...

Mansion Untouched for 100 Years

Louis Mantin inherited a fortune and became a patron of the arts and of high living. He constructed a fine mansion in his home of Moulins, France and filled it with custom woodwork, relics from antiquity, and art. Mantin...

Moustache Mints

Moustache Mints - $3.95 | More Mustache StuffAttention, hipsters and mustache lovers! Now you can freshen up your breath and carry a mint shaped like the world's most awesome/overused/so-overused-it's-awesome real life m...

Remotely Guided Super Dog

Because laser-totin' killer military dolphins need that pesky thing called water, researchers are forced to make to with the next best thing on land: remotely guided super dog!Trained dogs are smart enough to find bo...

Plants You Can't Kill

They say that cacti are for people who can't keep plants alive, but what do you do if your black thumbs kill even the hardiest cactus? Artist Shannon Gerard has the answer: crocheted cacti called Plants You Can't Kill.*e...

The Undead Debt Collector

If you've ever had to deal with debt collectors, you know that they're relentless. How relentless? Let's just say that they don't let a little pesky thing like death deter them from getting back every penny they're owed!...

Stuck in a Traffic Jam? Call for a Stand-In Driver to Take Your Place!

Like the proverb says, when life gives you lemon, make lemonade. Some entrepreneurial Chinese are finding that their country's legendary traffic jam (how bad is t? One was so bad that it lasted for 9 days) actually prese...

Society, As Seen Through Social Groups at Lunchtime

As Susanna Wolff posted on CollegeHumor, where you are in society can be effectively summarized by where you sit during lunchtime:, social groups, lunchtime...

"The Experiment": Mom Unplugged Kids from Internet and Media

What happens when you take away your teenagers' TV, iPods, cell phones, video games and even - gasp - Internet? Susan Maushart did that to her three kids for 6 months in what she called...

House of Cards Table

Brazilian designer Mauricio Arruda created this cleverly named the House of Cards Table that looks like it's resting on a flimsy stack of cards. But don't let that fool you - the "cards" are actually made from...

Dog Takes Loyalty to the Grave

This photo by Vanderlei Almeida, of a dog sitting by the grave of her owner who died in the catastrophic landslides in Brazil, captures the essence of loyalty in man's best friend.The dog named "Leao," sits for...

The Evolution of Nicolas Cage's Hair

(YouTube link) Nicolas Cage has played roles in 66 different films so far, and his roles have an extraordinary range. So does his hair! For proof, watch this video compilation by Harry Hanrahan. See a list of the fi...

Let's Play Wolf Pack!

The latest story from Allie Brosch will remind you of a horror film -one in which you are being chased through a dark forest by a horde of demons intent on devouring you. Never mind that the horde of demons is a group of...

Tiger Mom Meme

We've already posted twice about Amy Chua's essay "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior", so is it any wonder that a new image meme has grown up around the backlash? Note: the image used in the generator is not Amy Chua;...

The Neural Correlate of Ignorance

The following is an article from the science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research. Figure1. A reflex hammer. It was used to mechanically stimulate the subject’s skull. An fMRI Study by Kai M. Schrei...

Hello Lazy Ramen

Hello Lazy Ramen - $2.95Truth be told, you're not lazy because you're making ramen noodles. You're making ramen because you're lazy! And what better ramen to make in celebrating your laziness than this delicious Hello La...

Solar Eclipse at the End of the World

Photo: Fred BruenjesWhat would the total eclipse of the sun look like from the end of the world? It would look exactly like the photo above:In 2003, the Sun, the Moon, Antarctica, and two photographers all lined up i...

Dog Knows 1,022 Words

My beloved Basset Hound knew a lot of English words, as long as they start with "cookie." Well, turns out that she's a bit far behind this dog, a border collie in Spartanburg, South Carolina, named Chaser, who...

Bank Has God as Guardian, Doesn't Lock Its Doors at Night

When you've got a deity as powerful as the Lord Shani, who needs locks? (I mean, according to Wikipedia, when Shani opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun went into an eclipse.)That's what the managem...

Real Life Van Gogh

(L) Self portrait dedicated to Paul Gauguin (1888, van Gogh)(R) James Birkbeck (via Flickr)Artist James Birkbeck likes to compare himself to Vincent van Gogh - he even looked like him, so he decided to put on a little ma...


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