Archive for January 17th, 2011

Financial Advice from a Man Who's Been Retired Since 1969

Leonard McCracken worked for a steel company until he retired in 1969. He's now 107 and has been living on savings, Social Security, and an annuity payment ever since.'s Jennie L. Phipps asked McCracken to...

Freezing Boiling Water

(Video Link) Winters are quite cold in Yellowknife, the capital town of Canada's Northwest Territories. YouTube user samantha683 instantly froze boiling water by tossing it into the -30° C air. via GizmodoCanad...

Fox Hunting - the New "Most Dangerous Game" ?

The title refers not to the report earlier this week of a fox shooting a hunter, but to an announcement that some hunting clubs in England have replaced the traditional quarry with... humans. And although he started...

Starbucks Offers Ginormous New Drink Size

Starbucks is now offering the trenta size, which is just one ounce short of a full quart. Sadly, it will not be available for straight coffee -- just icy drinks. In this infographic, Andrew Barr of Canada's Nat...

Cigarette Ash Landscape

From a distance, Yang Yongliang's sculpture looks like a large, upside down cigarette. But a close inspection shows that the ashen tip depicts a city. As you can see in the other photos at the link, below the cigar...

Animaniacs Opening in South Park Style

(Video Link) Animaniacs was canceled in 1998, but the show retains a strong fanbase. There's a Facebook group devoted to encouraging Warner Bros. to reviving the comedy cartoon. It produced this version o...

Active WWII Grenades Used As Bookends

The bomb squad blew up two World War II hand grenades in Deland, Florida last Tuesday morning. The man was given the pineapple-style grenade by a neighbor, who used the explosive as a bookend, deputies said. When dep...

The Elizabethan Ruff

Did people actually wear collars like this, or was it a special accessory to wear while sitting for a portrait? Minnesotastan got curious and researched Elizabethan ruffs. They served a purpose: keeping "ring around...

Make Your Own Valentine's Day Survival Kit

Better Than A Boyfriend Soap - $7.95 Is your best friend's love life in the crapper this Valentine's Day?  Don't panic! The NeatoShop is here to help you survive the crisis. May we suggest you get them some Better...

Female Drug Addicts in Afghanistan

Photographer Rafaela Persson has lived in Afghanistan since 2008, and spends time getting to know her subjects. I had an idea to photograph female drug addicts. Afghanistan is the world’s biggest producer of opium, fr...

Kizhi Pogost

The oldest fully wooden churches in the world are also architectural wonders. These are "multi-story, multi-cupola, single-block masterpieces." Built 300 years ago on the Russian Kizhi island, they are called the Chu...

Invasive Plant Feeds Invasive Stink Bug

Since kudzu was imported from Japan, it has grown the cover the southern United States. Now another Asian import is flourishing by eating kudzu. The globular stink bug (Megacopta cribraria), native to China and...

Balancing Oranges on Cats

(Video Link) This video shows a man balancing stacks of oranges on the forepaws of his cats. Question: how does one learn that one's cats have this talent? via The Presurfercats, orange...

The Fight for Safe Milk: Swill Milk

The following is an article from Uncle John's Giant 10th Anniversary Bathroom Reader. "Milk and kids" are virtually synonymous in our culture with "good health." But that wasn't always the case. Until the early 19...


(vimeo link) Medieval knights meet a flying saucer, leading to an intergalactic misunderstanding. Joel Fletcher created this stop-motion animation on 16mm film in 1982, long before the computer effects we take for g...

How Geeks Play in the Snow

When there's snow on the ground, one naturally thinks of Hoth, the icy planet you see in the beginning of the movie The Empire Strikes Back. What better time to haul your LEGO Star Wars creations outside for...

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